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The Storm's Awakening



The storm outside raged with a fury that echoed and rattled through me. Lightning split the sky, illuminating my chamber in stark flashes of white.

I awoke with a gasp, my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes danced around the room before they fell to my nightgown. I sighed and pulled at the fabric clinging to me. It was damp from my cold sweat.

Another nightmare.

They had been haunting me more frequently as my twentieth nameday approached, each one more vivid and terrifying than the last.

Another stark of lighting pulled me from my thoughts. My eyes snapped back open, the flickering candle flame cast shadows on the grey walls of my bedroom.

The light seemed to twist around me, mocking my fear. I felt like a child again, alone and frightened in this vast and cold castle.

I can't be in here.

I climbed out of bed, my bare feet cold against the stone floor, and walked to the window. The rain lashed against the glass, the wind howled like a wounded beast.

I pressed my forehead against the cool glass, trying to steady my racing heart. The night was dark and full of shadows, but somewhere out there, beyond the storm, was the dawn.

I had to believe that, I had to hold on to the hope that the storm would pass and that these months of terrible weather would end.

Where to go.. where to go...?

Rhaenyra showed me a library a few days ago, one that she often visited on her own. I'm not sure why I hadn't stumbled across it myself. I suppose most of my time is spent outside of the red keep. In the city, no one knew who I was. There was nothing to be expected of me and no title to uphold.


Lightning illuminated the dark corridors, casting fleeting, ghostly shadows, while thunder roared through the castle walls. Sleep was an elusive dream tonight, my mind too restless to find peace.

I continued down the spiral stone steps. The warmth of torches mounted onto the wall gave me a brief sense of comfort.

I proceeded down to the corridor, my mind wandering back to the dream from tonight.

In the dream, I had been standing in the Great Hall. I was dressed in a gown of shimmering silver, my groom stood at the end of the hall. I was trapped in a matrimony I deeply did not want. I was surrounded by the noble lords and ladies of the court.

Their faces were indistinct, blurred, and featureless, but their eyes... their eyes were all on me, piercing and judgmental. The weight of their expectations was suffocating, pressing down on me until I could barely breathe.

Daemon stood in the crowd, his presence was not a comfort, it was a threat. His eyes bore into mine, he did nothing. I felt an overwhelming sense of doom as if my fate was sealed and there was no escape.

There it is.

I had wandered the dimly lit halls for some time now, it was a relief to see something familiar. I reeled my thoughts into the present moment as I approached the tall wooden door.

With two hands I pushed against it, and a loud creak echoed through the corridors behind me. I glanced upon the tall bookcases, taking in their forgotten histories. The familiar scent of aged parchment and leather greeted me. All the torches were still lit, causing a sudden suspicion.

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