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A Darkened Tide



The night soon veered into morning. I emerged from the lower deck, rough waters caused the ship to sway aggressively. By this alone, I knew we were nearing Dragonstone. I could feel the tension mounting among us all.

Rhaenyra stood near the bow, overlooking the waters with deep thought. Jacaerys approached her, his face pale from sea sickness. Daemon was on the lower deck, his back turned to me as he spoke with one of the ship's officers.

He hadn't returned last night, nor had he offered any explanation of his crude actions.

His stance was rigid, shoulders tense. Even from this distance, I could feel a divide between us. It was as though a wall had been raised overnight, separating us in ways I hadn't anticipated.

I watched him for a moment, hoping he might turn to see me. When he didn't I made my way down to the lower deck, my footsteps steady on the wooden planks.

As I approached, Daemon barely shifted his focus still on the officer beside him.

"Princess," The officer spoke, acknowledging my presence and gesturing a bow.

I nodded in return, catching Daemon's eyes as they flickered towards me briefly.

He pulled me in by the small of my back. His touch was light and possessive, as though it came naturally to him. He acted without breaking conversation with the officer.

"Keep vigilant, I want scouts on every tower, atop every crow nest." He spoke authoritatively as his touch lingered.

The officer nodded, confirming the orders, as he jotted down some notes.

Daemon kept me in front of him, pulling me close to his side. The gesture was almost affectionate, my presence beside him was both acknowledged and dismissed in the same breath.

I stood there, feeling a strange mixture of confusion and comfort. At his touch, a familiar feeling rippled through me,

A feeling I often call to question.

From across the deck, I caught sight of Rhaenyra eyeing us. Her expression was unreadable, her gaze sharp as it shifted between Daemon and me.  The thought of her judgment and possible disapproval, made my stomach tighten with unease.

In few glances, I noticed Jacaerys making a comment that she quickly dismissed. But once he left her side, she wore a definitive expression, one that held a troubling thought.


The black silhouette of Dragonstone loomed over nearby lands. Its presence was imposing and unyielding against the pale sky.

As I walked down its cold halls, I felt our arrival here marked the beginning of the end. Rhaenyra had wasted no time in summoning us all. Her grief was still etched in the lines of her face, but there was a new resolve in her eyes—a determination that I hadn't seen before.

Many gathered in the throne room. Rhaenys's presence was one I had immediately recognized. I was surprised to see her here as well as a handful of distant Lords.

Rhaenyra stood at the end of the table, clearing her throat and grabbing the attention of those near.

"We cannot afford to wait any longer," she began,
"The Greens have moved swiftly, but we must be swifter. Dragonstone will be our stronghold, but we need allies—now more than ever."

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