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A Heart of Stone



A gentle light of dawn flickered through heavy drapes. I stirred, slowly awakening from a restful sleep. The scent of smoke and leather lingered in the air, a mix of dragon fire and something uniquely Daemon. I stretched, feeling the smooth fabric of the sheets beneath me.

The room was dimly lit, the dreary weather still hadn't cleared. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust.

Daemon's bedchamber.

The events of the previous day came rushing back. The fight between Aemond and Jacaerys, Daemon offering me sanctuary here, and the undeniable emotions he's stopped trying to hide.

I rose from the bed, stretching lazily. I couldn't help but glance around the room, taking in the rich, dark furnishings. It was a room that spoke of power and intelligence, much like Daemon himself. Opening the drapes, I let my curiosity guide me as I began to explore.

I approached the towering bookshelf, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. Only some titles were recognizable to me but I knew that to him they were all treasured. I passed the crackling fireplace, portraits were hung above it of the old dragon lords. I felt a chill as they watched over the room with their piercing eyes.

A large, ornate desk caught my eye. Papers and scrolls were scattered across its surface, along with a few maps of Westeros. One scroll, in particular, stood out, its seal broken and its parchment slightly unfurled. I couldn't resist the urge to take a closer look.

Unrolling the scroll, I scanned its contents. It described a complex alliance filled with promises that would "bind us all." I skimmed down to the bottom of the page.

"The matrimony of Laena Velaryon and Daemon Targaryen will further strengthen-"

I rolled the scroll back up and returned it to its place, my hands shaking. A wave of emotions washed over me, a deep sense of dread.

He's leaving.

I felt a sting in my eyes, I stood frozen in place. It made sense, it had passed the time he was expected to marry. Daemon's past was filled with shadows and secrets. I had always wondered how many more there were that I didn't know about. This was something I couldn't begin to accept.


My mind churned with thoughts as I made my way back to my chambers, my chest heavy with the burden of newfound knowledge.

When I entered my room, I found Irri waiting for me. Her expression was a mix of excitement and concern, and she held a small box in her hands.

"Good morning, Lenora," she greeted, her eyes cautious. "I have something to show you."

I did my best to conceal my expression, feeling the weight of what I knew crashing down on me. I noticed her slightly troubled expression and the wooden box she held. 

"From where?" I nodded for her to continue, my curiosity peaked.

She opened the box to reveal a stunning blue-jeweled necklace, the gemstone glistening in the morning light.

"Aemond sent it," Irri explained, her voice soft. "He said he hopes it will redeem your faith in him.. after yesterday's scuffle."

I took the necklace from the box, the cool metal and smooth stone feeling almost foreign in my hands. I recognized it, it was crafted from the same blue sapphire that adorned Aemond's eye, and the sight of it brought a lump to my throat.

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