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The Whispers In Court



The Red Keep was a place of whispered secrets and hidden daggers, a stronghold of stone and shadow where trust and loyalty were rare to find.

I made my way through the winding corridors, my thoughts were heavy with the burden of my family's struggles. The court was a nest of vipers, and the Targaryens were the most vicious of them all.

Rheanyra had told me that the small council meeting would conclude at dusk. I stood grateful that the time for my presence to be expected at every meeting still hadn't come. I've never held an interest in our politics, nor am I a bearer of great patience.

I looked down through the archways. My sight followed the sound of swords clashing and conversation. In the courtyard, Jacaerys trained alongside Ser Erryk Cargyll, Aemond, with Ser Criston Cole nearby. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

I paused at a window, opposite the yard. I gazed over the city of King's Landing. The setting sun was hard to see, rays only escaped the dark clouds. Its glow was faint over the rooftops.

I can't take much more of this weather.

I turned to Irri, my closest friend. Her dark hair was in contrast with her pale skin. She wore an ironed gown of dark grey that embodied status and wisdom. It also captured the mood of today. She walked alongside me, her dark eyes were filled with serenity.

"Those clouds cast such a shadow, I don't remember last year's season being as gloomy," I said, my voice full of trepidation.

"I do not think it is an omen if that's what troubles you," Irri spoke with a slight but warm smile.

"The philosophers speak of a wind current carrying this rain from the Red Sea." She added.

I had to admire Irri's perspective, her rational words both alleviated and educated me. I smiled, my eyes following the tall gloomy windows as we passed them by.

"The philosophers or the philosopher?" I teased.

I could see the red spread across her features. Irri had been meeting with a certain someone in the observatory tower for some time now. I was honestly elated for her, she deserved someone kind and sensible.

"He's enlightened, Lenora. I've found an interest in some of his subjects, did you know that there is a study dedicated to stars?" Irri spoke, her eyes flickering with a certain light.

I shook my head, she was following him into academics. My smile couldn't be more genuine, she was happy. I had noticed that on the days she'd meet with him, she'd wear her dark hair long against her back. I've always thought it looked beautiful that way.

"Is there?" I expressed my hint of curiosity.

"Astrology." she nodded, stating her answer.

"Allun lent me a title focused solely on the
brightest star of our age..." She paused, her voice filled with a softening excitement.

My eyes pulled back to hers, I was about to add on when I noticed her own focused down the hall.

Rhaenyra emerged from a meeting with the small council. Her face was a mask of controlled anger, and her eyes flashed with frustration. She saw us and managed a strained smile.

"Lenora, Lady Irri," she greeted us. "I am glad to see you."

I stepped closer to greet her, it was then that I started feeling the tension in her frame.

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