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The exam period started a few days ago. Now in the last round of exams. I, who promised my parents to get a score above 3 this semester, am trying harder than the others.

And due to my busy schedule I can't see Saifah. We talk on Line, but not often. I told him that I want to focus on exams to get a good score and he agreed.. Because Saifah has to study with Tutor and Day, he has more exams than me. What if I miss it? I'm not embarrassed to say that yes, I miss him a lot. I really want to see him, I want to cry, but in not many days the exams will be over. Now I can only pray that they pass quickly.

"I can't take it anymore! I'm going down to get something to eat", Junior says, placing the papers on the table with little care.

"I'm coming too, I'm hungry!" Natee is ready to drop everything and go find something to eat. "You come?"

"I don't," Tentai responds as Zen shakes his head back and forth, perhaps because the two of them are reviewing an important subject.

"And you, Zon? Are you coming down with us?"


"So what can we bring you? I'll buy it for you."

"Only water."

The two nod and go downstairs. I've got a headache and I'd like to take a break too, but I'm too lazy to walk. In the end I put the papers on my face and lean against the sofa: I hope that the knowledge on those papers passes through osmosis into my brain.

"You'll make it?" The voice I haven't heard all week rings very close. Saifah moves the paper resting on my face and smiles at me. I turn to look at him with a smile back, keeping my head resting on the sofa.

"If I say I can't do it, how could you help me?"

"I would be your moral support. Is that enough?" he replies by placing a hand on my head and stroking it delicately, as he likes to do. He doesn't care if a friend of mine is here right now.

The moment he doesn't care, I don't either and I move my head closer to his hand.

"What if I said that's not enough?"

"So what would be enough?"

"I don't know," I reply in a confused voice. I look at him while he is still stroking my head, feeling numerous feelings. But the thing I want to tell him most is that feeling tight in my heart.

'I missed you.'

I move my lips to whisper those words without letting out my voice. Saifah smiles broadly and answers me in kind.

'I missed you too.'

"You more."

"All right."

"Didn't you give in too easily?"

"Tell me, I always give in easily."

I laugh at his way of doing things.

"So, when do you finish your exams?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"How many are you missing?"

"Two. In the afternoon. And you?"

"The day after tomorrow, me too in the afternoon."

I nod.

"What time are you coming home today? Will Junior accompany you?" Saifah asks me because he must have seen that my bus has already passed. When I come home late, Junior is the one who drives us all home.

"Mh. He'll take us there soon. But maybe he'll take a little longer, maybe nine or ten."

Usually, if it is exam period, the streets of the university are open for students to allow them to study round the clock. So my friends and I are one of the groups that hang out at the library at night, and Junior often takes us home, but I'm in no rush to go home.

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