Chapter 3

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Liam pulled out of the parking space and followed the traffic as soon as he was on the main highway he started speeding.

"If you crash my car or get us pulled over I will not hesitate to kill you" I warned

He chuckled and didn't say anything. Leaning forward I opened the glove department and pulled out my giant taser and turned it on. It cracked as it was on

"You really think I'm joking" I whispered.
His eyes go wide and he slows down the car slightly. It's my turn to laugh now. I put it back into the glove department and reached to turn on the radio.

"Damn angel you really don't play when it comes to your car huh" Niall talks from the back seat.
"Nope," I simply responded.

The car ride was short before I knew it we were turning into an apartment complex. It looked fancy but not too fancy.

"This is where zayn lives, we all just crash with him" Liam says as he parks the car.

We all get out of the car and walk into the building. I'm guessing the other boys are already here but I'm not sure. The lobby is normal, nothing to fancy but it's really big. To the left of us walking in there's an elevator. We walk into it and Niall pushes the 6th floor button.

We stand in silence, not an uncomfortable one but just silence when we get to the 6th floor. I follow Niall and Liam out of the elevator to Zayn's room. When we get there Liam tries the door and it's locked. Niall leaning up against the wall reaches in his pocket. I'm assuming he's looking for the key. When he doesn't find it Liam rolls his eyes and starts picking the lock. After a few minutes I hear the lock click.

"How did you do that" I asked surprised.
"It's easy, all of us boys know how to" Liam shrugged and opened the door.

When we walked inside it was a dark vibe kinda like a night club vibe. He had a bar in his kitchen a giant TV and there was an upstairs.

I just looked around for a little bit.
"Sick right?" Niall broke the silence.
I nodded my head. We all sat down on the couch in the middle of the room to wait for the others within 3 minutes they walked through the door.
"Alright, which on of you picked my doors lock" zayn said the minute he walked through the door.
I saw Niall and Liam smirk at each other and point at me. I gave them a death glare and smacked them both on the back of their heads. They both moan in pain.
"You're lucky I didn't hit you in the balls" I mumbled.
"My guess is Niall," Harry spoke up.
"Hey! Dickhead what makes you think that" Niall argued.
"Hope who did it" Zayn rolled his eyes.
I shrugged "what do I get if I tell you"
He looked at me shocked that I would say that. I just smirked at him. He walked up to me.
"You really wanna play that game princess?" He whispered against my ear.
I still shrugged not backing down. He smirked at me and kissed my neck slightly. Then backed away. I would be lying if I said I didn't get butterflies.
"It was Liam" Niall blurted out
"Niall what the fuck!" Liam yelled at him
I leaned back on the couch and laughed at the interaction. I felt the couch dip on my right. I saw Louis with a cigarette in his mouth. He threw his arm on the back of the couch behind my head.
"You going to share?" I asked him
He nodded and handed the cigarette to me. I took a long drag and blew it out of the side of my mouth towards Niall. Liam and Niall are still fighting over how Niall ratted Liam out.
"Will you two shut up" Louis spoke for the first time.
"Niall just ratted me out!" Liam says frustrated.
"Ok? No one cares so if you ladies wanna take it outside go for it" Louis replied.
" Lewis your really getting on my nerves" Liam looks him in the eyes
"Liam baby it's Louis I have no idea who this Lewis is" Louis smirks.
Liam lunges for Louis but is caught by Harry.
"That's enough both of you I'm sick of it" Harry stated.
Liam mumbled something under his breath but no one heard him but Harry and Harry smacked the back of his head and whispered something in Liam's ear that made him sit right back down and shut up.
"Alright now that that's handled, hope love, do you wanna tell us more about yourself?" Harry smiled at me
All eyes were on me
"Um well there's not much to say actually, I like art and music I'm adopted and I sometimes like to sing" I list off things about myself.
"How long have you been friends with Bailey and Taylor?" Zayn asks.
"About two years" I answer
Just then my phone rings. Speak of the devil, It's Taylor. I put my finger to my lips telling them to me quiet and answer with the phone on speaker.

"Hope! Bro those guys from one destruction are so hot"
That's the first thing that leaves his mouth the minute I answer the phone. I see the guys smirking their egos were just boosted by 10.

"I mean I guess I don't know" I replied.
"Bitch don't lie to yourself zayn and harry are totally your type a lot better than that jackass" he replied bringing up my ex.
"Maybe" is all I said.
"Hope I know you're scared but you need to live a little bit not everyone is like him" he comforts me

At this point the guys look confused.

"I know Tay hey I'm going to call you back later I have to go" I responded quickly.
"Ok bye H I'll talk to you later"
And with that he hangs up.

The guys look at me like they want to ask questions but don't want to over step

I look at them with a timid smile
"Hope darling what was that about" Louis speaks first
My hearts starts racing
"Fuck what do I say"

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