
16 1 0

Despite everything I saw in life as a child I believed that life will soon be good because even though my mom was a crack hoe she always told me that the darker days will soon get brighter. I loved my mom I didn't judge her at all it was sky who hated her I mean we did have issues at school where ppl called us names and jokes about us all the time but moms always told us sticks and stones may break our bones. But words don't hurt which is tru "its just a joke" I use to tell sky but she fought me "if moms wasn't out there doing drugs we wouldn't get called crack babies and if she was a good mom we wouldn't have to stay with our aunt " my only main alternative was to help moms stay away from drugs and every since I was five I've thought of ways to do it. I'm 16 now and I'm a 3.5 high school sophomore my sister sky on the other hand well let's just say the streets raising her. 😪 see me and sky wasn't identical she was dark and I was lite like night and day and she always in my opinion hated that but to me we were sisters and beautiful at the same time I use to tell her all the time the "darker the berry the sweeter the juice " and she use to say "ain't none like some good ol orange juice though" I always wanted to get close to my sister but she always blocked me and Terrance away like she hated us or for some odd reason. Terrance was my ace I technically raised him even though my aunt did an awesome job with three extra kids I knew she couldn't do it by her self because her first two was a hand full. Yolanda was a bitch toward my aunt but she loved my uncle and Crystal hated us because she wasn't the youngest anymore. me and crystal got along time to time but her pick mostly was sky because sky treated her like a royal princess yes my tough ass sister treated somebody with high honor.

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