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Nina's day as Homelander's assistant was busier than what she thought it would be. Some requests of him could take all day to fulfill. She would be away from him for a couple of days, sorting the million excuses she gave to the press, and sending autographed portraits to kids. He always put his super fastness to good use while autographing them. It was Nina's idea again - he would win those kids that had indecisive fathers and mothers. It was like having an action figure come to life: he was America's hero and he cared for you. It made them feel special. Nina caught some eye rolls from him, but she did understand how these mundane things were completely boring to someone like him. He ended up signing everything she asked him to though, and they would talk while he did it. She would giggle at his hands doing all the work, like a cartoon.

"I'm glad this amuses you." He said, while Nina giggled. "This is tedious."

He was sitting at Nina's office desk. Her desk was full of headshots of Homelander, piles and piles of pictures scattered over the floor as well. He was going through a big pile, that an average person would probably take hours to sign. For him, it was a matter of minutes. There were various headshots of him, in different positions. Flying, giving the thumbs up to the camera. Nina thought it was the best way to give away the sense of uniqueness. Of course, people would probably eat it up, thinking that their autographed photo was somehow just for them. Homelander had to admit she had a way to make him shine. She was sitting on the couch across the room, looking at him. He had his gloves off and his big hands were quick to do the job. He sent pics flying as he put them on the signed pile so quickly. The movements made his cape move slightly. It was like a Renaissance painting come to life.

"Well, boss..." She rested her head in one hand, completely taken by the mere sight of him. "You have to think of the children."

He stopped mid autograph and looked at her, with a comically angry face. "I fucking hate children."

It made her laugh, that was such a childish response. "Hey, I'm not a big fan either. It's just this time."

"Oh, it isn't. It isn't at all." He resumed autographing pictures. "You are going to find something else."

"How you you feel..." Nina begun, after a short pause.


"How do you feel about having pictures everywhere?" He seemed open to conversation and it probably wouldn't hurt to ask. "Don't you get tired of seeing your own face?"

"Well..." He said, without looking up. "Do you get tired of my face?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have a good amount of posters of me in your room." He was almost finishing. "You see me almost every day. So, do you?"

Nina shook her head. It was kind of embarrassing, but since he knew, she just went with it. "I never really did."

He finished as soon as Nina closed her mouth. He looked at the assistant, big ocean blue eyes locked onto her. "That answers your question."

"Fair." Nina said. Then yawned.

He got up and took his gloves that were sitting over one of the piles of photos. Nina stretched. He came and sat by her side. Such gorgeousness couldn't even be measured.


"Yeah." Nina blinked twice. "I spent almost the whole night printing these."

"Why didn't you ask for Vought PR to do it for you?"

"Because they are working on something big with Deep." She yawned again. "And I wanted to do it as fast as possible."

"In this case..." He said softly. "Take the day off."

"I can't." She shook her head. "I need to make some calls."

"It can wait. You can't work like that." Those big doll eyes almost made her melt into her seat. "Turn off your phone and go to sleep."

"I'll just... take some coffee. It's fine." Nina rubbed her eyes gently, as to not ruin her eyeliner. "I only wish that the coffee here was stronger..."

"Who's your boss?" He interrupted her. His voice was deep, silky... and a bit authoritarian. She was being so successful on handling everything, she was so careful... but he was so distracting. Sometimes it felt like he wasn't really doing anything useful, just coming into Nina's line of vision to mess with her. If it was some sort of test, she was failing miserably. If he wanted to slide his big hands under her skirt, she would absolutely let him. She would let him do anything at that point. He was really the boss of her.

"Pardon?" It had to be a joke. He was definitely playing her. It was so mean in the most delicious way.

"Who is..." He raised his eyebrows. "...your boss?"

"You are." He probably knew Nina could barely form a cohesive thought.

"Right." He nodded. "Not Ashley, not Edgar. Me."

"Yeah..." He was absolutely breathtaking. Even when he was serious. She could do nothing but admire all of him.

"I'm telling you to go to sleep. I'll be out all day. I'll tell Ashley." He touched her shoulder, reassuring her.

"Uh..." God. He smelled ridiculously good. "I have to send these..."

"Miss Oliveira, that's an order." He got up and walked out the door. He said goodbye without turning around. "See you later."

It was impossible to think straight when he was that close. They barely touched besides the occasional hand on the shoulder and sometimes a side hug for a picture. She wanted to run her fingers through his golden hair and whisper sweet nothings next to his ear. She constantly thought about leaving hickeys all over his perfect neck, even though she knew his skin would probably not break. He was like a dream walking around the corridors of Vought dressed in red, white and blue. It was like sitting beside an angelic creature sculpted by God himself. People got intimidated, and why wouldn't they be? Maybe the lack of consistent sleep was making Nina see him more as godlike than he already was. She really needed to sleep, instead of flirting with her boss. He wasn't trying to seduce her, he was just trying to take control as he always did. She turned off the phone and a sigh of relief came out of her mouth when she realized she didn't have to drink the coffee that day.

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