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The intercom shrieked in Elise's room as Elise shifted around in her ned fully annoyed and exhausted, rolling over Elise landed face first on the floor.

"Ouch.." Elise groaned out before sitting up, a tired frown on her face. "Contestants the Prince wishes to see you in the afternoon, get ready and come down to the main hall, a great breakfast has been prepared." The intercom announced making Elise grin widely.

"Food!" Elise said happily.

Prince Quànrui looked out in his bedroom window in deep thought, his lips quirked into a grin thinking of the events of yesterday. Jiwoong had entered the room bowing in respect before looking at Quànrui's back which faced him.

"Your majesty , the Queen of China requests to see you." Jiwoong informed as Quànrui's grin faded looking over his shoulder "For what reason?" Quànrui asked as Jiwoong kept a neutral facial expression "That i do not know your majesty." Jiwoong said as Quànrui turned around tying his silk golden gown over his toned body tighter.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Quànrui informed as Jiwoong bowed leaving the room, Quànrui entering his in suite bathroom.

It's stupid to think he's thoughts are fully occupied by someone.

Elise went down the stairs in a cheerful mood as she greeted the contestants who passed her, although they were still hostile towards her Elise didn't care. She wasn't there for them anyways.

Entering the main hall, Elise looked around in awe. It was huge and two large tables filled the room with a magnificent feast. Elise's mouth started watering as she walked back bumping into someone.

Elise jumped, turning around to face the cold eyes of Jeongeui "Oh I'm sorry." Elise apologised as Jeongeui walked away, leaving Elise to scoff "How rude." Elise said as she saw Rahne approach her from across the room.

"Rahne, good morning." Elise greeted coldly as Rahne rolled her eyes "Whatever, where were you yesterday?" Rahne questioned in a tone of hostility as Elise took a step back "What do you mean?" Elise questioned as Rahne scoffed "Mom wanted to see you on our facetime yesterday but you were nowhere to be seen in your room so where were you?" Rahne pointed out as Elise laughed

"Finally showing your cousin some love aren't you?" Elise teased as Rahne rose her eyebrow "What? No!" Rahne said as Elise took it as the opportunity to continue "It's fine really...i took a walk in the backyard." Elise informed, confidently walking away although she also tripped off air, Rahne crossed her arms looking at Elise coldly.

"Backyard you say..."

Elise stuffed her face in the breakfast prepared for each contestant. Stuffing a chocolate muffin in her face, Elise watched Rahne watch her with piercing eyes from across the table and momentarily paused.

What was her problem?!?
She just never seemed to understand.

Elise shrugged it off and continued eating her lovely breakfast.

Quànrui stepped into the living room of the royal palace graced with bows by servants and bodyguards, Jiwoong behind him doing the same.  The Queen looked at Quànrui smirking as Quànrui bowed to his mother sitting across from her.

"You asked for me?" Quànrui questioned as the Queen nodded "That competition of yours is steadily coming to an end right?" The Queen questioned as Quànrui started to tense up, The Queen ignoring his change of demeanour. "Youngmin is becoming too impatient with how the alliance is going, Jeongeui needs to win." The Queen said as Quànrui clenched his jaw standing up.

"If you would excuse me mother, i have to find my wife soon." Quànrui announced walking out leaving his mother stunned.

The build up to the afternoon was intense.
The remaining contestants stayed in their rooms gettinf ready.
Elise attempted to do pushups, giving up immediately.
Rahne fixed her voluminous curly hair while flashing her signature smile in the mirror.

Jeongeui looked deep in thought as she zipped up her tracksuit in the mirror, a small picture of her and Zhang Hao in the corner.

Elise was doing jumping jacks and panted heavily, getting her adrenaline up she punched the air vigorously before flexing her non existent biceps in the mirror

"Yeah I'm ready for anything." Elise said as she smiled determined.

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