Chapter 9: rejection

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1 week ago

Nashs POV

"Hey, babe" said Darci, the school slut. Wait who am I kidding? They're all sluts.

"WHAT!" She hollered making a scene which caused everyone to stare.

"How dare you!" She said about to slap me but then a girl came and puller her back.

"Let's all face it, honey, it's true as fuck" she hushed everyone who was whispering and gasping

"Ugh. he said everyone. which means you" she crossed her arms

"Yeah I know. I'm kind of a slut too. if I can say so myself." I chuckled

"I hate you! You will regret this! I swear" she stomped pushing everyone in her way out of the way.

"Um sure" I laughed

Nashs POV

"You know she was serious, right?" I nervously said. why am I nervous? Im Nash Grier god dammit! But Elise is so threatening. how can someone named "Elise" be intimidating though?

"Wow. That's shallow, man" she sighed

"... Sorry"

"I should have let her hit you" she said walking off with a slump in her back and hand in her back pockets.

Well I fucked up... again.

After that day

Elise's POV

So im basically being a basic bitch and scrolling through cute tumblr quotes to put in my bio. yeah I know. I'm ridiculous.

*nashgrier has followed you on Instagram*


*lifeofnash added you on snapchat*

*nashgrier has followed you on Twitter*

"Wtf?! How did he get my snapchat, Instagram, AND Twitter? Well atleast he doesn't have my tumbl-"

*nashgrier has followed you on tumblr*

"Well fuck"

*a message from nashgrier"

I saw on my Twitter notification, so I opened it and read, "meet me at the mall", so I typed "ugh that means I'll have to get off my bed!". From Nash: "just get up"
Me: "why"
Nash: "just do it"


5 minutes later I decided to get my lazy ass up and get dressed out of my sweats, house shoes, and "supposibly" messy bun.

So I put on a big white baggy sweater that says in big black letters "classy but sassy" even though it's the beginning of July.
Then I slipped on some blue jean shorts and my white converse. what? My body can be biopolar sometimes.

When I get there I saw Nash standing in blue skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. he looks nice. well, better than me atleast.

"Well you could have told ME to dress nice" I walked over to him

"But you still look hot" he smirked making me blush

"Aw look" he said

"What?" I looked around

"Ms.tough has a weak side" he laughs

"Well atleast I don't weaken up when a girl is about to hit me" I teased

"I didn't weaken up. I simply wasn't ready" he glared

"Sure. whatever helps you sleep at night" I walked to chicfila Bc im hungry af.
*finishes food*

"Elise I have to ask you a question" we stop and hold hands

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I asked

"Will you be my girl friend?" He got down on one knee.

"... I can't. im sorry" I was about to cry thinking about my last boyfriend I had.


"I HATE YOU!" I yelled throwing a vase at him

"Well how do you think I FEEL!!! You slept with my bestfriend!" He hollered


"All of it." he said walking out

He left me all alone with broken glass and tears. I knew it would end like this.

Flashback over

"Elise?" I could see nash tearing up

"You won't understand" I sobbed running off.

I could hear foot steps behind me.

"Stop following me" I screamed all around me. then it started to storm making my make up run even more, and my messybun become saggy and even messier than before.

"It's me. Zach" I could hear behind me. Wow he looks pretty old. well when we were dating, he was 3 years old than me. which makes him 20 years old now.

"Im sorry for what i did to you. I found out that he really did rape you, and im sorry" he touched my shoulder. his touch was just like how it was 2 years ago, soft and gentle.

"What!? So you didn't believe me before? Can this day get any worse" I bawled

"Im sorry" he sighed

"No you're not" I walked away.

Nashs POV

I decided to go find Elise since she ran. she's probably on the bench right outside the door.

When I got outside I saw her and a guy talking. she was crying. Again. then she walked off looking angry but alittle more sad than she did before.

When she left I walked up to the guy she was speaking to, and punched him with all my force.

"Dude! What the fuck!" he yelled

"For hurting her" I walked off following Elise.

Lots of drama -zee😎 love yall babies 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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