|| The Audition || Chapter 2

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I know who I am. I am not perfect. I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world. But I'm one of them.

~Mary J. Blige

*Alisson in the photo. ;)


||Alisson's POV||

Saturday, August 25, 2012
1:18 PM
52 mins until audition

Today was my audition. The week had past by in a blur of my dance moves.

Tamar had been helping me perfect my technique with her criticism. Now she was sitting next to me trying to calm me down.

My hands were sweaty. My heartbeat had increased. I was breathing hard and I could barely speak in complete sentences.

"Allie are you okay, girl?" Tamar looked at me in concern.

"Uh, yeah-jus-huh?" I covered my mouth in attempt to stop my embarrassing word vomit.

"Just breathe sister. In and out." Tamar said calmingly.

Surprisingly, it calmed me down a little. I still had hornets scrambling in my stomach.

What if they don't like my dancing?

What if they hate me?

What if I'm not good enough?

What if I fall?

What if I forget my own name?

What if...

I shook my head in attempt to get all the negative thoughts out my head. I was completely, unutterably scared.

Then I thought about Chris' and my body then begin to heat up only making it hard for me to calm down. Breezy...


||Chris' POV||

"Hello my name is Courtney Lewis, and I will be showing you my best moves."

Every time a girl came in this room, they would stare directly at me.

At me.

It was almost creepy. They would sneak seductive glances at me and try to lure me in, but all it did was push me away. Sometimes it feels like there not even here to dance. There just here to see me and basically give me a sexual dance for free. If I wanted that, I would've invested my money into a strip club, not a dance studio. I just wish there was somebody different.



1:37 PM
23 mins until audition

"I don't think we're going to find any new talent." Abby Lee said.

"I'd hate to say it, but I think so too." I replied.

"We only have a few more auditions to go." Paula Abdul announced.

I read the names off the list.

• Trevion Westin

• Felicia Morris

• Alisson Reese

"Well lets see what they got." I said drowsily.


||Alisson's POV||

1:46 PM
14 mins until audition

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