|| Dance Battle || Chapter 4

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Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are.

~Ariana Grande


||Allison's POV||

Club XX was totally packed. People were already battling. I was amazed at some of the moves they put out there.

"You okay Allie?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah, just a little overwhelmed." I smiled.

"Okay well you should get use to it, because I'm about to go enter our group into the battle." He told me.

"What's our group name?" I asked biting my lip.

Chris was just so nice and I was really warming up to him.


"Refreshers?" I looked at him curiously, and then laughed, but I quickly realized he was serious.

"Yeah I know its a funny name." He smiled at me.

"But its all we could come up with at the time." Chris said licking his lips.


While Chris went and wrote our name down on the ballot, we all hung around and talked to a couple dancers and grabbed a few drinks.

I got to know Omarion a little more. He seemed more like the chill person of the group. He was soft-spoken but it was cute.

"So what inspired you to dance?" Omar asked me.

"Well I've been wanting to dance ever since I was six or so. I'd watch other people dance in music videos like Kid 'N' Play or XScape and maybe a little Beyonce thrown here and there. But it truly came from my heart to dance. Dancing makes me feel like there's nobody but me and my moves. It's truly the best feeling in the world to me." I explained.

Yea, I mighta told my whole life story to a nigga I barely knew, but I didn't even care.

"Well dang girl. You somethin' else." Omar chuckled.

And I chuckled along with him.


||Chris' POV||

The only reason I'm here at this club is because I just wanted to see her again. And by her I mean Alisson. I mean Alisson is a beautiful girl. And she can dance.

Now, you're not supposed to show any favoritism towards any of your clients, but its hard when you are good looking as Alisson.

Plus, I love her style when she dances. She gets into it, and it almost kind of looks like she's drunk, but without all the wobbly, wonky steps.

And now I would get to see those moves again in just five minutes.


I made it back over to the group and told them that we were going up in less than five minutes.

"What's our routine going to even be?" Ally asked arching her eyebrow.

"Oh just follow our lead." I said pointing to Hennessey, Jade, and Omarion.

"Aight." She smiled.

And something told me she would be able to do that without any help.


||Alisson's POV||

It was almost time for our battle, and the other team was already getting ready.

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