Seungcheol pov
"So is it good Dr Choi?" Jeonghan asked and looked at me like an innocent baby with doe eyes.
"I accept it." He started jumping in happiness.
"Yeah yeah yeah!" He said happily. How can be happy by these simple things? I cleared my throat. He stopped and looked me.
"Sorry sir!" He bowed his hear. I sighed and looked at him.
"Ok now we must work on our reasearch. Jeonghan it is important and can change lots of things for you and me in this career! More it has good points for you and your future too ok?" He nodded.
"Yes sir."
"So did you find something new or useful?" He took out his note book.
"Ummm... sir I've found that the chemical structure of the pill may accure allergy. Which is the common side effect." I nodded."So we must work on it." I nodded. He is right.
"So we must work on it and do that changes?" He pouted and narrowed his ryes.
"I've thought about it. It is useless you know lots of money and wasting time and at the end nothing cause it is not the only side effect. There is something that we can replace with this."
"Yes sir." He then showed me the pill we usually use for heartattact patients.
"So what is with this?"
"I've searched it works on the kindney for controlling heart."
"We can use this with alittle changes. The changes needs less money and less side effects." Why I didn't think about it myself?
"Ok! You are right. We must work on it."
"Yes sir."
"Now you can go." He bowed and went out.The way his research is like all is experimental. Like what Dr Yoom was doing before. He told me I must do experimental researches and this research is all experimental. Even the snetences are based on the experiences.
I came out of my thought when my phone rang.
"This is Dr Choi!"
"Seungcheol!" Oh no!
"Son I missed you."
"Me too mom! Sorry I have lots of works and cannot come to you alot."
"Ah you brat! And don't lie I know you didn't miss me." I smiled.
"Believe me moom I missed you." She chuckled.
"Ok! Anyway we have a party in this saturday. Your dad wants you to attend the party." I closed my eyes. I wonder when they will stop showing differnet boys and girls to me for marriage.
"Mom I am not intrested in marriage and I am doing really well the way I am." She sighed.
"Seungcheol! You are 34 son. You must build your own family."
"She is a very good and beautiful girl. Her family is like us an-"
"Mom!""Seungcheol I am warning you your dad won't give his company and any money to you if you don't marry. You wanted that money for having your own clinic didn't you? So at least do what he wants."
Ahhh god! What that man wants from me?
"Mom I am your only child how can you do this to me?"
"Easily! Not like you have nothing. Your dad won't give his money to you without marrying someone." I put my head on the table. Why do they not understand me?
"Mom! I will marry but with the one I love!"
"So is there someone?" She asked with hopeful voice. Ahhhh god! She is unbelievable.
"Mom I have work and have to go sorry." I then hung up the phone. What the fuck I must do with this now?Jeonghan pov
Dad's writings really helped me. My phone rang and I took it.
"Ahhh Jeonghan here speak with this naggy child. He doesn't listen." I chuckled."What has he done?"
"He is in his bookstore since morning the doctor said he must rest but he is stubborn and not listening." I chuckled.
"Ok give the phone to him."
"Here uncle Jeonghann wants to speak with you."
"Go away you brat I want to speak with my son in private."
"Ahhhhhh!" I chuckled.
"Jeonghan son I told you I don't need this brat." He said and huffed.
"Dad she is right you must take rest."
"I am ok son! Beside I like to be here."
"I know but you know how much my heart breaks when you are in pain?""Ahhh you are a brat too. You are pouting now yeah?" I chuckled.
"You know me very well."
"Yeah you must know the people you love."
"So as I know the people I love alot I can see you need rest now. So be a good boy and go home." He chuckled.
"When will you come?" I looked at my wtach.
"I have some works dad but try my best to come soon." He hummed.
"Ok son take care."
"Yes son!"
"Want to know something?"
"What is this? You seem happy."
"I had my first surgery todayyy!" I said and chuckled.
"Yeah?" He asked excited.
"Yup and it was very good. I am really happy." He started laughing.
"I am proud of you son. Ahhh I wished you were here and I could hold you tight." I chuckled.
"I try my best to come soon and then you can hug me tight."
"Ok son take care. I love you son!"
"Take care dad. I love you too!" I then hung up the phone. I chuckled.

Fanfiction"Jeonghan baby!" "Baby?" "Ahhh don't be shy! He is dad. We can tell everyone now he is here." "Dr Choi-" "Baby I am Seungcheol no need to be formal. Dad is here and wants to see his future son in law." An arrogant strict and selfish professor whic...