Jeonghan pov
"Yes Shua?"
"Dr Choi called you! He said go to his office."
"Didn't you tell him I have a patient?"
"I did but he said tell you it is lunch time." I sighed.
"Ok! I am going. Please take care of them till I come.""Yes sir!" I chuckled and went out. As I came out I saw Dr Kim.
"Hey!" I bowed.
"Hi sir!"
"Hi! How are you doing? I haven't seen you alot these days."
"I'm good. I am with Dr Choi! We are working on our research." He nodded.
"Good! You two seems too close." I smiled.Dr Choi has changed alot and it really means to me. I know he is trying cause of me.
"Yeah! We've got.....pretty close!"
"Yeah?" I nodded.
"Well you have changed him completely seems he really loves you. I didn't think everything is real but now... seems you two are really inlove." I just smiled.
"Well things are not always like the way they show. Yes! Dr Choi was not good to me but it was cause he was alittle bit confused."
"Confused?" I nodded.
"I mean... you know our relationship and work are two different things."
"Yeah yeah! He was trying to be a pro." Deep inside I wanted to know why he WAS like this though. He once told me I am like someone and he hates this. Maybe I must ask him."Sorry sir he is waiting for me I have to go."
"Yeah yeah!" I bowed and went to go to Dr Choi's office.
"Yes Rosé?"
"Three new interns just came."
"Yeah?" She nodded. Then two boys and a girl who were behind her bowed.
"Hello sir! I am Choi Yeonjun!"
"Hello sir I am Kang Taehyun!"
"Hello sir I am Kim Chaewon!" I smiled.
"Hello and welcome! I am Yoon Jeonghan!"
"We are your seniors and you must listen to us. More Dr Yoon is our head assisstant here so you must tell everything to him understand?" They bowed.I looked at Rosé who seemed strict. I chuckled.
"Ok please go and check the kids injections. Rosé I am going to have lunch."
"Ahhh I saw Dr Choi he was waiting for you infornt of his office."
"Yes walking forth and back." I chuckled.
"Ok! He might be waiting alot I have to go."As I reached his office he smiled.
"You came late!" He said holding my hand.
"I was speaking with Dr Kim and then met three new interns. Is it a long time you are waiting?" He shook his head.
"No! Let's go and eat." I nodded. I used to eat my lunchs and sometimes dinners with him.
"Here I got your favourite."
"Ahhh I am really hungry!" I said and satrted eating."You must pay attention to your health too. You don't eat and sleep well."
"Well in that case I must tell this to you too."
"You are not as strong as me. I know my body beside I eat well. But I've seen you passing your meals multiple times." I looked at him.
"Who said you are stronger than me?" He chuckled eating some.
"Jeonghan better to eat and don't compete ok?" I rolled my eyes. I knew he is stronger but don't like to admite it."Sir?"
"Can I ask something?" He nodded.
"Ummmm... you once told me I am like someone and you hate it. He was your influence and inspire. Can I ask who is he?"Seungcheol pov
I didn't know what to say.
"He was my professor!"
"Yeah?" I nodded.
"Then why did you mean I am like him?""The first time I saw you you behaved like him. You were speaking like him. I just could see similarities between you and him." He nodded.
"So what happened to him? Where is he?"
"He is the one I told you. He quit working....cause"
"Cause of you?" I nodded.
"So why?"
"Cause I was...selfish...greedy...and... and ahhhh it is complicated. He wanted to show me how to live in the correct way so he left me."
"Huh?" He pouted.
"He must not have left you. He must have stayed and teach you how to behave. Like what I am trying to do." I think a moment.

Fanfic"Jeonghan baby!" "Baby?" "Ahhh don't be shy! He is dad. We can tell everyone now he is here." "Dr Choi-" "Baby I am Seungcheol no need to be formal. Dad is here and wants to see his future son in law." An arrogant strict and selfish professor whic...