Jeonghan pov
I closed my laptop and went downstairs. Dad was not still home. I wonder where he is!
I am making my mind to speak with Dr Choi. I cannot take this anymore. It is a strange feeling which is bothering me. I want to be next to him but it is so much hard.I like to be next to him and learn from him but... but it fucking hurts. The way he treats me I cannot stand it anymore.
"Maybe these two years were all wrong." I used to be most of the times with him in the hospital but I cannot stand anymore.
I looked at the door as it opened.
"Uncle don't go like this you go very fast."
"None of your business brat!" I chuckled."Hello!" I went to him.
"Hello son!" He smiled.
"You came late."
"Yeah I was somewhere."
"With Shua's dad."
"Yeah?" He nodded.
"So what did you do?"
"Ummm... just hanging out. Did you have a good day?"
"Yeah! Working on my research. Did you have dinner?" He nodded.
"Ok then! Let's have a coffee together." I was about to go to the kitchen when he called me.
"Yes dad?"
"Be ready for the up coming things."
"You will understand it soon."Seungcheol pov
"Ahhh these books are just saying nonesense." I was confused reading that books. The things were weitten were not important. At least I don't think they are. Maybe I must ask Dr Yoon?
I smiled. I remembered the time I was with Dr Yoon. At least I can go and visit him there. Maybe even to his house.
"Ah wait!" I then remembered something.
"Maybe I must draw something like the one I drew for Dr Yoon for Jeonghan. He was alittle down maybe it makes him happy." Yup! I found the answer. I quickly went to my paints.
"So what should I draw?" I thought for some minutes. Yup! I found it!Jeonghan pov
I entered the hospital. I was looking for Dr Choi. I need to speak with him. I must make everything correct. I am donea
I went to his office.
After minutes someone opened the door.
"Hey!" I bowed.
"Hello sir!"
"Hi!" Surprisingly he was smiling.
"Can I come in? I want to talk with you." He bit his bottom lip looking inside his office.
"Hmmm?" He asked still looking insidr not letting go of the door. I sighed!
"Sir I want to talk to you. It is important!" He tilted his head.
"Ummm... not now. I have some works to take carw od. So.....goodbye!" He then closed the door. I cannot stand him anymore. His acts! The way he insults and treats me. He even closed the door to me.I wanted to yell but just closed my eyes to lower my anger.
"Why you are doing all of these things to me?"
"Jeonghan!" I heard Dr Kim. He smiled.
"Are you ok?" I nodded.
"Did you two fight?" I shook my head and smiled."No sir! I think he is busy sorry I have to go."
Taehyung pov
I grabbed his hand.
"Let's speak."
"Sir I am ok believe me-"
"Jeonghan I can say you are not." He lowered his head."So what is your idea about having an ice cream?" He looked at me and smiled.
"Then let's go!" I held his hand and we were about to go but he stopped. He was thinking about something.
"Sorry sir I just remembered I have something to do so I cannot come." He bowed and quickly went.It is something with him. I looked at Seungcheol's office door.
"It is about you!" Yeah! Whatever it is is about Seungcheol.Joshua pov
"Jeonghan!" I went to him as he entered the study room. I was worry for him. His dad came to our house last night and was speaking with my dad but I don't what they were speaking about.
"Joshua!" He smiled but I know it was fake.
"Are you ok? You weren't good yesterday too." He nodded shrugging lazily.
"I'm ok! Just tired." He said and chuckled.
"You must take rest!"
"Lots of things happned and I am... I am confused angry and... and I am sick of this feeling that I am this weak. I am tired." He said his voice cracking. I hugged him tapping his back.
"I know Jeonghan! I understand you!" He suddenly burst into tears.
"No you don't!"
"Jeonghan!" He took a deep breath pushing his hair back.
"Jeonghan you know you always can tell everything to me yeah?"
"I wish I could!" He whispered.

Fanfiction"Jeonghan baby!" "Baby?" "Ahhh don't be shy! He is dad. We can tell everyone now he is here." "Dr Choi-" "Baby I am Seungcheol no need to be formal. Dad is here and wants to see his future son in law." An arrogant strict and selfish professor whic...