15 (Funny)

339 18 1

Jeonghan pov

We were all standing in the studyroom as Dr Choi and Dr Kim were looking at their schedule.

I looked at Dr Choi who looked very happy. I smiled. I think he deserved this chance. After the things dad said and from his words I can say he had a hard time too.

"So they are all?" He asked and we  nodded. He was deep thinking.
"Ok! Yoon Jeonghan  will do my appendisite surgery. Hong Jisoo assists me in the throat surgery Lisa in colon surgery and Lee Jihoon in the kidney surgery." Dr Kim said and we bowed.
"Yes sir!"

We looked at Dr Choi who was deep thinking.
"What is this Seungcheol?"
"Ah nothing it is about the surgery is for the next week. We must speak about it with Dr Hong." Dr Kim nodded.
"So my assisstants! Lisa for the throat surgery Hong Jisoo one of the appendisite and Jeonghan you will do the other one yourself. Jihoon can you attend the throat surgery? Your kidney surgery with Dr Kim is pretty hard." We were all shocked. First he gave one of his surgeries to me and then asked Jihoon if he can assisst him.

"What Dr Choi?" I tried my best not to laugh to Jihoon's reaction. It was rare Dr Choi to pay attention to these kind of things.
"I told you your kidney surgery is hard and long and it'll be hard for you to attend a thraot surgery. So you can or no?"
"Ummm sir I think Rosé or Jeonghan can do except me?" He nodded.
"Rosé Jeonghan which one?" I looked at Rosé who was shaking her head and waving her hands saying no.
"I have two surgeries on my own. Maybe Rosé can help." She quickly shook his head.

Dr Choi sighed.
"Rosé when you wanna accept you are going to be a surgeon?"
"Dr Choi I am doing my best but whenever I see blood.... I wanna faint."
"So how can you be a surgeon?" She pouted.
"Sir it is what I am asking myself these days."
"You know you must face your fears?" I never expected he speaks like this.
"Sir... it is hard. I am thinking if I have...a phobia."
"Phobia is not this simple more you attend the surgeries and do well after time past so I don't think it is a phobia. But you can talk with a psychologist." He then faced Joshua.

"Can you do it instead of her?" Joshua nodded.
"Yes sir!" He nodded.
"Rosé I recommend to use your time and go to Dr Hwang. He can help you." She smiled.
"Sure sir!"
I looked at Dr Kim who was completely shocked like us.
"Ok let's start our job! And the exam which got canceled. Tomorrow I will take it. Better study enough!" We bowed.
"Yes sir!"
"Let's start!" Dr Kim said and we bowed.
I looked at Dr Jeon and he winked. I smiled and then took my eyes from him.

I went to my table to study alittle before the surgery. Maybe I must read some of my dad's notes about appendisite surgery.

"Jeonghan!" I looked at Dr Choi who was speaking with his phone.
"Yes sir!"
"Please come!" I nodded and went to him.
"What is it?"
"It is mom! She wants to speak with you."
"Oh! Ok!" I then got the phone.
"Hi ma'am!"
"Hello son! How are you?"
"Thanks ma'am are you doing well? Is Mr Choi doing fine?"
"Yes thank you son! I told Seungcheol  to tell you come to us tonight but he said you have to take care of your dad ." I looked at Dr Choi.
"Tonight?" He quickly waved his hands.

"No Jeonghan no we won't go." He whispered.
"Yes! I want to see you I already miss you. I told the our cook make Seungcheol's favourite. It is a long time he hasn't come."
"Yeah?" I looked at Dr Choi who was waving his hands and saying no multiple times.

"Yes! He always says he has work but I really missed him. I know he is an adult but I am a mother. And he is my only son."
"We sure will come ma'am." Dr Choi closed his eyes.
"Yes son?"
"No!" He whispered.
"Yes we sure will come! Jungkook has just told me how much he has missed you." He looked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah?" She asked. Her voice was hopeful. Ahhh I cannot believe him. His mother really misses him.
"Yes ma'am he loves you alot we will come after our work. I will tell my cousin to take care of my dad."
"Ok I am waiting for you."
"Thank you ma'am! Goodbye!"
"Bye son!" I gave the phone to Dr Choi who was looking at me.

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