11 (Candy)

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Jeonghan pov

"Jeonghan son!" Dad came to me.
"Hey hey hey! You are not in a driving competetion." I said and he chuckled and hugged him.
"You missed me?"
"Of course! More I saw your beautiful photo and wanted to see you with this beautiful face and outfit." I chuckled.

"Uncle I have done that!" Joshua said.
"Thank you! From now you can be his personal stylist."
"You said you will give your notes to me." Joshua came and looked at him.
"So what did you get from your last exam?" Dad looked at Joshua and he bit his bottom lip.
"Next time little baby!"
"If I have your notes I will get good points." Dad chuckled.
"Ok I will give you."
"Jeonghan he was on his brat mode and didn't have his pills." Moonbyul said.
"Hey you-"
"He said he won't eat till you don't come."
"Dad why? You made me disappointed now have your pills till I change ok?" He smiled and nodded. I then went up the stairs.

I sighed. I remembered Dr Choi breathing deep when I woke up and his face was down. And then again started yelling. What is his problem with me?
"He is weird!I cannot undrestand him. At all!"
Why is he acting like this? Maybe he's regreted acting as if we are boyfriends? Then I will get rid of this situation.

"Did you two have fun?" I looked at Joshua who had smirk on his lips.
"Well I saw his family. His mother was very sweet. I really like her."
"I am sure you were the most beautiful and he was proud that he has a beautiful boyfriend." I chuckled.
"Maybe? Jeonghan everyone falls for you in just one sight. All of the doctors and nurses like to go on a date with you. Lots of hearts broke as they heard you are Dr Choi's boyfriend." He giggled.
"Shua you are talking too much. Enough let's go downstairs. Anyway will you stay for the night?" He quickly nodded.

"Yeah! I missed our times together. We always have alot to do. What's your idea about a movie?"
"Sounds good! But tomorrow I must take dad to his doctor. He has an appointment."
"I will come too. We can go out after that." I nodded.

"Yeah I am with your idea." I must make my mind free. I really need to have some fun.

Taehyung pov

I was looking at Jeonghan's picture. The picture I took from him when he was working.
"Why Seungcheol? Why not me?" I kissed his picture. I still cannot believe it is Seungcheol but not me. All day I was seeing or hearing how lovey dovey they are.

But something is wrong. I still cannot believe Seungcheol was ignoring and insulting Jeonghan for years and suddenly we found they are boyfriends. No! Noway a peson treat his love like this. I must find about everything.

Jeonghan pov

"Ok Dr Yoon! You are doing well."
"I told you! Look you just brought me here for nothing. Each month is like this." I chuckled.
"Chanyeol stop nagging. Why are you getting fussier the more you age?"
"Hey I am just 56!"
"So? You are old." I chuckled as I saw my dad's face.
"So he is really ok?"
"Yup he is doing good. Even healthier than before. Jeonghan you are taking a good care of him." I looked at my dad and he smiled.

"So just keep eating your pills. Do some excersises which are good for your muscles. Even you cannot walk you must have them." We nodded.
"I do them! And I know how to do that." Dad said.
"Good Chan!"
"Thank you Dr Han." We bowed and after some comments they gave eachother we came out.

"So everything's ok?" I nodded.
"Yeah he is doing well."
"Yeah! Are you ready to go out?"
"Yeah let's go to a park."
"I wanna go to my book store."
"Ummm... we can go out have lunch and then go to your book store. Moonbyul told me it needs some arrangements."
"Yeah new books have came."
"Good! Uncle we will come and arrange them after going out ok?" He smield.

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