Seungcheol pov
"Jeonghan baby are you ready?" I looked at him. He was as beautiful as always!
"Yeah! Let's go." I don't know why but these days he is more beautiful. His cheeks are red and chubby and he is in his cutest way. I cupped his afce and kissed him."Hmmm... what was that for?"
"You are very beautiful these days. I cannot take my eyes from you." He chuckled.
"Let's go we may get late." I nodded and held his hand.
"Is dad ready?" He nodded.
"Yeah I called him he said he is waiting for us."
"Good he accepted to come with us. He wanted to go with Moonbyul."
"He is dad he can change his mind in a second." I chuckled.
"I wish he doesn't change his mind when we arrived for taking him." He started giggling.
"He won't! He knows this is an important party beside he likes to be next to me." I nodded.I looked at Jeonghan who was smiling ear to ear.
"You are so happy!" He looked me.
"Yeah! My life cannot be any better than this. With you I am happy! I love youuu!" I held his hand and kissed his knuckles.
"I am happier baby!" He looked at me then.
"Seungcheol?" I smiled looking at him.
"What about.....what about the future? I mean you and I what will happen-"
"We will marry and continue exploring the meaning of love till reach its end!"
"You...sure you wanna marry me?"
"What do you mean? Of course! I've told you multiple times." He smiled and bit his bottom lip."Ah you really have thought I don't think about marriage? Jeonghan you are living me for a year but still doesn't know me." He pouted.
"Well... you know it is just... just I thought maybe you wanna think more."
"The thing is I was thinking about you. You are studying. But I love that happen. Soon!" I said and winked.
"Well I am studying but something unexpected may happen that make me to quit for some time." He said and shrugged.
"Nothing I mean we don't know what the future carries. Something unpredictable may happen!"
"Nonesense you are the best student and I am sure will be a good specialist."
"Thank you baby!" We arrived their house.
"Oh let's go!" I nodded and rang the bell.In that time dad came out with Joshua.
"Hello dad!"
"Hi son."
"Jeonghan son why were you sitting at the front seat? What if an accident happens huh?" I don't know why but dad is weird these days. Jeonghan sighed and massaged his forehead!
"Dad I am ok!"
"The seatbelt may hurt him!" Him?
"Dad better to go. Thanks Shua!"
"No don't push my wheelchair I am not light weight. More it has control."
"I will come!" He smiled and I went to take him to car."Seungcheol you sure you don't need help baby?"
"Yes babe!"
"Jeonghan son come and sit next to me."
"Dad I am ok in the front seat believe me you are worry for nothing now listen and sit." Dad tightened his brows.
"Are you comfortable dad?"
"Yes son thank you! Just take care of that brat." I chuckled and went to the driver seat.
"Jeonghan baby are you comfortable?"
"Yeah Seungcheol come on we are late I am sure mom is waiting now."
"Ok baby don't stress yourself!""Yeah stress is not good for you." Jeonghan closed his eyes.
"Seungcheol drive son. He is out of mind today." I nodded and started driving.
"Moonbyul is there."
"She's just texted me."
"Ok we will soon arrive."Jeonghan pov
We finally arrived! The whole way I was hoping dad doesn't say something that makes Seungcheol suspiciouse. He is really cute the way he is worry for me and my baby. He is so excited for having a grandchild!
"I will go myself no need to push the wheelchair. It has control!" We nodded and stepped back. He is like this. When he is in an important place he wanna show he is still strong.
As we entered Seungcheol's parents came.
"Hello Mr Yoon we are happy you came." They bowed and we bowed back.
"Jeonghan son I missed you!" She came and caressed my belly. I told her and she was super happy.
"Mom Seungcheol will find it." I whispered.
"He is busy speaking with his dad." She whipered and kissed my cheek.
"Son are you ok? Do you feel well." So mom has told dad too.
"Yes dad I am perfectly fine." He smiled and nodded. His parents are really sweet and I really like them.

Fanfic"Jeonghan baby!" "Baby?" "Ahhh don't be shy! He is dad. We can tell everyone now he is here." "Dr Choi-" "Baby I am Seungcheol no need to be formal. Dad is here and wants to see his future son in law." An arrogant strict and selfish professor whic...