8 (Forgive)

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Seungcheol pov

Jeonghan's words were in my mind. Whar did he mean if I knew about emotion? Of course I do!
"Look what that brat did to me! I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Worse I must attend the party with him.
"We need a serious talk!

But....he looked really broken. What did he mean about he is broken? Who was he talking about?
"I must call him." I took my phone out and dialled his number.
"Hello!" A weak voice came from the line.
"Yes Dr Choi? Did something happen? Should I do something about the research? Or is there any reports I must give you?" He asked panicked.

"No! No.....I just...just...." I puffed.
"I just...just called to know how are you?" It was silent when I heard a chuckle. I tilted my head.
"And what is with this laugh?""
"Nothing sir!"
"Ok! How are you? You were not good."
"I can understand if your parents are around and you're pretending." So he thinkd I am around my parents it is why have called him!
"What the hell! First I live alone. Second what do you think about me?" He didn't say anything.
"What?" I heard a deep sigh.
"I am good sir." I puffed and leaned to the couch.

"Good! Anyway as dad said we must attend a party."
"Oh! So you called cause of this."
"What do you mean Jeonghan?"
"Nothing you said you called to know how I am but guess you wanted to be sure I will be appropriate infront of your parents." I bit my bottom lip. 

"You must know some things." I said trying to change the subject.
"Yes sir!"
"First step I am Seungcheol better to call me baby sweetheart and these nonesense when we are infront of the others. Specially my mom. She is alittle dramatic you know!"
"And we must show we are close. Really close. My mother will ask alot like alot and so be ready for her questions and she asks whatever comes in her mind without any filters."
"But what if I say if she asks something I don't know what to answer?" I shook my head.
"I don't know! I really don't know. You can change the topic maybe?"

"Ahhhh god!" He said frustrated.
"And another thing they sure will ask about your parents."
"What is your parents' jobs?"
"My appa passed away 8 years ago and my dad has a bookstore but he was a d -" having a bookstore is not my dad's type.
"You will tell he is a businessman. Not working here in South Korea. Cause my dad knows everyone. We can say your dad is alittle secret and kind of these things."
"Cause I am saying I know my dad."
"But my dad is a-"
"Whatever he is I sure respect him and his job but my dad is not that kind of a person. He wants someone gives him his heirs to be in a well class family."
"He thinks in that way but we know we will break up in 3 months."
"You said two months." I sighed.
"2 or 3 one month less or more. What's the difference Jeonghan? What we must focus is acting well or they will find everything."

"God why I am doing this?" He said angrily.
"Cause I am the best teacher you ever had."
"Yeah! Sure!" He said with irritating voice.
"Sorry sir ok I will say whatever you said."
"Good an-"
"Jeonghan son!"
"Yes dad!" His voice. Why it is this familiar?
"Baby you didn't have dinner." It is really familiar. I wish I could hear it more obvious.
"Dad I am not hungry. Did you have your dinner?"
"No I cannot eat without you." His voice seems worry.
"Dad I don't have appetite you must have your pills so please eat." His dad is worry and he is acting like this?
"Ok son!" His voice was down surrly nit pleased with his son's answer.

"Sorry Dr Choi it was my dad."
"Yes sir?"
"Hey you brat I told you call me Seungcheol not sir."
"I cannot think about our coworkers."
"So? They think we are boyfriends."
"Ah ok! Seungcheol! "
"Good! Did you tell your dad?"
"Not yet! And I don't know if I must say. He will be sad after that 2 or 3 months comes and we break up. He will think I am sad cause of this but don't know it is all lie."

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