Truth reveals/usj attack

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We find many pro heroes along with Detective tsukauchi going over Loonex trying to think of how to capture him but every attempt failed when Izumi came walking in. "Izumi sweet, can't you see we're in the middle of something." "I know who Loonex is."

Immediately everyone turned to Izumi as she took a deep breath thinking to herself. 'I'm doing this for you know good brother.'

At the house

Our band of toon's were doing their own thing like Jimmy and Dexter on the computer, sonic, Miko Lincoln and Peter were playing video games, Dipper was reading and Eri was on her tablet watching Snow White with Terry by her side.

The door opened revealing the others with Groceries. "We're back, how is everyone?" Steven asks. Me and Dexter have been going through the Internet, I have to say to think we have seen it.. can't put it in words." Lincoln Shivers. "So much incest."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door which got everyone's attention as they were expecting anyone when a voice called out saying. "Pizza Delivery!" The turtles went to open the door but were stopped by Jake long. "What kind of pizza?"

"Uh Pineapple."

Immediately everyone knew what it was. "IT'S A TRAP!!"

Swat teams filled the house pointing their guns as the heroes came in next as eri tightly hugged Terry as the same person she meant before approach but Terry lunges forward getting on the person's face clawing him

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Swat teams filled the house pointing their guns as the heroes came in next as eri tightly hugged Terry as the same person she meant before approach but Terry lunges forward getting on the person's face clawing him. He screams until he throws Terry off as one swat uses a catch pull on the alien then pushing him against the wall where they pat him down finding a small bag.

One sniffs it. "Catnip." Terry look side to side. "Uh not my." Eventually everyone was cuff while Terry and toothless got muzzles as Goliath Odin quickly broke free and went to grab eri when he was struck by several stamps in the side then fat gum body slam him to the ground. "God damn your so heavy."

"Thanks, I had a small snack." Eri tried to run but was caught as tsukauchi walked in. "Alright, where's Izuku?" The toons all looked towards the basement door to which tsukauchi walked over and kicked open the door rushing downstairs. "Police freeze, everyone on the ground. Oh God, you're already on the ground."

Karen(supergirl): Wait who invited a cop?!

DeeDee: Well I didn't.

Tsukauchi regained his composure. "Uh I guess everyone just like, disconnect."

Honey lemon: Don't worry, the sugar Balloon is still in my ass."

Tsukauchi looked confused. "We'll come back to that later." He then points to izuku. "You are under arrest."

Izuku: 😩 Aw man.

"I'll let you finish though."

Izuku: 😎 AH my man!

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