What a Surprise

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Years earlier

A young izuku covered in bandages and a black eye walks down the street heading towards the movie theater where he sneaks inside to watch a movie as he watches the characters get together and being happy makes izuku think. "I wonder what's that like?"

Izuku looks at his broken watch. "Well, It's my birthday which they are celebrating with Izumi." With a sigh he continued watching the movie smiling softly as the movie finished he left back to his so called home luckily he was able to sneak back inside without anyone noticing him as he lay in bed wishing to himself.

"I wish to have the best birthday for myself." Soon he drifted off to sleep as a star twinkled brightly in the night sky as Izuku's wish would come true.


Izuku as Loonex was patrolling the streets stopping crime which wasn't much as over the days crime has been dwindling for some reason also more murders of some bad people were being found then ever. "I don't know why, but Toontech has been acting weird when I bring up the murders." Suddenly Jimmy spoke on izuku radio.

"I know what you mean but it's not just that, it seems many Amusement parks, specifically those beyond our studios, have been shut down and some machinery has been stolen." "Yeah something is going on, hey listen Jimmy are the others there?" Jimmy was silent before answering. "Oh uh no, not yet but I will not notify you to continue patrolling. I'll conduct you later."

Soon Izuku heard police sirens which got his attention. He jumped down and went towards it carefully, not getting seen as he listened in as two officers were given orders to keep a lookout for a little girl who had run away. Izuku looked towards the sun to see it was setting. "Better find her before it gets dark."

He rushes off searching every place a runaway could be more specifically places he would go after a while he went to one place he would go to the park and to his shock, he found the girl on the tallest tree on the high branch which came out. Izuku rushed in catching the girl before she hit the ground as the broken branch smashes on top of his head. "Ow."

He shook it off as he put the girl down and started talking to her. "Alright, little one let's get you home." However, the girl shook her head. "What's wrong?"

"No! I won't go home!" Izuku looked at her closely, seeing no sign of Abuse and neglect

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"No! I won't go home!" Izuku looked at her closely, seeing no sign of Abuse and neglect. She was well-nourished and was perfectly healthy so he was wondering why she didn't want to go home. "Alright let's make a deal You tell me why you don't want to go home if it's a good reason that I won't take you back."

"Well because my brother picks on me, hitting me, taking my stuff and lying to our parents, blaming me for things he did, I try telling my parents and my family but they don't believe me." She started to cry while izuku hugged her. "Hey it's alright I understand what you're going through. I too had a terrible siblings."

The girl looked up to izuku. "Really." "Yes, but you know what I did." The girl listened closely as izuku said. "Nothing, Because of that they've got worse and what just say I had to leave, but you have a choice now. Don't make the same mistake I did and so you need to punch him in the throat. Everyone needs to breathe." The girl's eyes widened in shock. She never had anyone giving ideas to make her brother stop until now.

"Wow, thank you mr, I wish to go home now." Izuku smiles as he picks the girl and places her on his shoulder walking back to her home. "By the way the name is Loonex, and your is?" "Zowu." Soon they arrived as Izuku knocked on the door. As Zowu's parents opened the door they burst into tears as they saw their daughter. However, Izuku placed her down and she immediately ran past her parents heading towards her brother and struck him in the throat.

Immediately he hit the floor zowu started beating the shit out of him as izuku smiles he makes his leave knowing he help someone like himself as by the time he got home it was already dark so he opened the door he notices the lights were off so he turn them on revealing.

Immediately he hit the floor zowu started beating the shit out of him as izuku smiles he makes his leave knowing he help someone like himself as by the time he got home it was already dark so he opened the door he notices the lights were off so he...

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"Surprise!!!" Izuku stood in shock as Jack placed a birthday hat on his head. "So izuku, do you like it?" "I.. I don't know what to say." Randy walks next to him. "Then don't, just come and enjoy your birthday." Izuku smiles as he spends the night having his fun on his birthday. 'So this is how it feels to be loved.'


Izumi was seen placing a cupcake with a lit candle down by izuku tombstone. "Happy birthday izuku, I hope you are doing well." She leaves as tears start falling as she leaves katsumi bakugou approaches, placing a gift down. "Here izu, I know you would want a gift." She couldn't hold it in and started crying. "I wish I didn't listen to my brother and tell you my true feelings. I wish you were still alive!" After a while she went home hoping Izuku was happy and In a better place.

Back with izuku

"This is the best birthday ever!!" The party lasted through the night as eventually izuku blew his candles as Toontech asked

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"This is the best birthday ever!!" The party lasted through the night as eventually izuku blew his candles as Toontech asked. "What do you wish for?" "Nothing because I got everything I ever want." Soon everyone had fun before falling asleep as Toontech placed everyone to bed along with izuku who was sleeping peacefully surrounded by his harm smiling as if his wish came true as he mumbled. "Thank you Toontech."

He smiled as he closed the door. "You're welcome my friend."

Happy birthday to me, I hope you enjoy this birthday chapter.

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