Chapter 17

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The Wedding day

Natasha was awaken by her parents as she had to get ready... The make up artist already came... Nithya Kirti and the others girls were also with her

Naira: Di are you excited

Pragya: Of course she is excited it's her wedding naa

Natasha: yeah yeah......

Kirti: after few hours you are officially my bhabhi

Natasha: Haha... Can you handover my phone

Nithya:What happened you wanna talk with Dhawal jijuu

Natasha: Hey I just wanna know what he's doing

Kirti: Sry but he can only see you on the Wedding site

Natasha: kirti... So just alow me msg him naa.. He should have sent me msg in the morning

Kirti: We will give you after doing the make up

Natasha: OK fine

Natasha got ready and Kirti gave her phone to msg him... Already dhawal had msged

Dhawal: Good morning ❤️
Dhawal:You must be doing your make up right🤣
Dhawal: The boys came and I am going to get ready
Dhawal: Waiting to see you😍

Natasha: Dhawal❤️
Natasha: I have done my make up
Natasha: Kirti and Nithya didn't gave me phone to text you🥲
Natasha: We are heading there
Natasha: See you there❤️

Dhawal also got ready and arrive at the wedding spot with his friends

Dhawal also got ready and arrive at the wedding spot with his friends

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Natasha also arrived there with the girls

Natasha also arrived there with the girls

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