Chapter 11: Orders

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Building our own ark ship somewhere on Darkside wouldn't be an option even if it weren't too cold to live there without the Imaia's resources. Even the Kysuuri abandoned their lands.

C. 6 days, 28 hours since the assassination of rebel leadership

Estingai couldn't help but grin as she stumbled, lowering herself into the crag that disguised Wolfden's main entrance. She nearly fell on her face but at least she was in the shade.

Despite the cool wind that had whipped by her as she sped across Atonga's rocky wasteland thanks to the bike Siluumwe thankfully hadn't scuttled, Lightside's relentless, red sun had baked her the whole way. The full, heavy armor Estingai wore over her lightly-armored uniform had only magnified the heat.

But I made it. I finally made it.

"Identify yourself!"

Estingai pushed herself off the wall, straightening and rolling her shoulders. She blinked exhausted eyes and found two guards before her, still mostly concealed in the darkness of the cave mouth. Both wore unmarked masks, so she couldn't tell who they were. Estingai only saw the muzzles of their rifles because she knew where to look.

She frowned, taking a step forward. "Stand down. It's—"

Estingai blinked, ears ringing at the shot. The bullet had gone past her, into the stone—a warning shot—but Estingai knew her ears would take a bit to recover. Healing georaurals could help with that.

"Identify yourself. No more warnings."

Estingai frowned under her mask. Why—?

Oh, right.

She glanced down to make sure the shadows would cover her, then reached up and pulled off the Lightforged mask she'd worn for convenience. Her own hung at her belt.

"Stand down," she said again, running a gloved hand through her hair—she winced at how matted and sweaty it was. "It's me."

Both lowered their rifles and one stepped forward, removing his mask.

"Estingai?" A young Natari man with black, hooked spots on his jaw and forehead said, "We thought—where did you get—?"

Djamaia. That means Obisan is the other one.

They usually kept guards partnered with the same teams.

That means it's still Auroraday, and early.

Estingai probably would have known that if she'd just thought for a moment, but she was so tired and frazzled that even her timesense was a bit off.

"Obisan, take the speeder and hide it," she ordered "Djamaia, go get Koruuksi and Uuchantuu, and Marjatla and Aaden. Have them meet me in the command room with some water. And have someone tell Siluumwe I'm safe."

Both hesitated for a moment, then leapt into action.

Estingai leaned against the rock wall for a moment, taking off her glove to stick her pinky in her ear. It wouldn't stop the ringing, but it would make her feel better about it.

Taking a deep breath, Estingai started forward, only for the soreness and fatigue in her body to come to the forefront. She winced, but kept going. As tempting as it would be to find somewhere to lie down, she had work to do.

Less than an hour later. Estingai sat on a stool in her pants and undershirt, sipping from a water bottle that Koruuksi had chilled for her. He'd also changed the bandages on her thigh and strapped a healing georaural to her. They had a few that would dull the pain as well, but Estingai had never liked using those. Pain was just a signal that she was pushing too hard or that something was wrong.

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