Chapter 33: The Plan

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We can activate our spies while lying low. Give them time to find out what we'll need to escape. And to find a new home.

C. 22 days, 38 hours since the assassination of rebel leadership

Though nerves made Uuchantuu's stomach twist and knot, she relaxed just a bit upon reaching the end of the sloped tunnel and seeing a small crowd waiting outside where she'd asked. After leaving Estingai, Uuchantuu had spent the past few hours finding everyone or finding a way to get word to those she couldn't. Stepping quietly as she approached, Uuchantuu smiled at Pymduunda, the cleareye on watch, as she stepped up beside him at the tunnel mouth.

"They all here?"

"Every one. Just make sure you aren't too loud, and keep your heads down below the rim. I haven't seen any Imaia patrols come too close, but they're out there. No aircraft, but two speeders."

Uuchantuu's throat tightened at that, and she had to take a deep breath to relax enough to speak without her voice wavering.

"Thank you. We'll be careful. I'll let you know when we're done."

Pymduunda nodded, then stepped past her and disappeared down the tunnel. Uuchantuu looked after him, then turned back toward her team. She picked out Luuhuuta, Naruuna and Araana, as well as Edendo and Jaran and their people. They'd helped everyone evacuate to Last Shadow, but had returned to Frozen Phantom even when most of their people had spurned Estingai's offer of aid and refuge. She hoped that counted for something with her.

She'd asked them to meet here, at one of Wolfden's larger watch posts. It must have once been part of a settlement or religious site, as the low walls were too smooth and regular to be natural, and the tunnel leading here had been carved out when they'd found the place. Sometimes they used it on Auroradays for those who couldn't trek as far through the canyons or out into the desert—the wounded and what few elders they had. Today, however, Uuchantuu would use it to repair her broken team.

"Thank you all for coming," she said, raising her voice just enough to grab their attention as she stepped forward. "I know you don't have much reason to do so after..." Uuchantuu had to swallow as the words caught in her throat. "After what happened."

"After your lack of trust in us screwed everything up, you mean?" Araana hissed. "What are we even doing here? What could you possibly hope to accomplish?"

Araana was the only one that spoke, but a few of the others nodded, and as Uuchantuu looked to those she'd gathered here, she saw a reticence in their eyes. An uncertainty.

"It wasn't Uuchantuu's fault," Naruuna said, rising to her feet from where she'd sat. "I took too long with the speeder."

Araana snorted. "You're right. It's both your faults. Doesn't change anything."

Luuhuuta spoke up then as Naruuna shrank back, and the sheltered area erupted into a cacophony of hushed arguments and questions.

Uuchantuu didn't try to stop it.

When it finally died down a bit, she spoke.

"I understand your hesitation. Your questions, your lack of trust, but you're all here for a reason."

That silenced the rest of them.

"The fact that you all came here even after what happened... that means something. Either you still have faith in me, or you're just curious to see what I might do. Instead of arguing, please just listen to what I need to say. After that, if you don't like what I've said or still don't trust me, you can go."

Uuchantuu let that hang in the air, and after a few frowns and shared looks, everyone nodded, eyes fixed on her.

Uuchantuu took a deep breath.

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