Chapter 10: Drained

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We've stolen smaller ships and scavenged what we could, but we don't have the Imaia's resources or work force.

C. 6 days, 22 hours since the assassination of rebel leadership

A dark pit opened inside Estingai as the Lightforged dropped Kozasana's body to the floor. The low thud echoed like a lonely war drum against the stone walls.

Estingai found herself paralyzed as the Lightforged took something with glowing sapphire biogems from a pouch at its waist and knelt over Kozasana's corpse, pressing it to her chest. Bile rose in Estingai's throat as she realized what the device was.

The Auroralight in one's gemcrest didn't wink out immediately when one died. It faded over the course of a few hours instead of a few days. No one knew why dying sped up the process, since the only reason the Auroralight in one's gemcrest faded was due to the body using it up.

The demon took advantage of that, draining Kozasana's Auroralight with its georaural. Estingai shuddered as the Lightforged stood, stalking toward her, the draining device in one hand.

A part of Estingai—she didn't know whether it was instinct, or just some part of her that hadn't been fully beaten down yet—itched to fight the thing.

But what can I do? Kozasana and I both landed killing blows.

And now Kozasana was dead.

"Your Redemption will bring me glory in the God King's eyes."

"I'll never serve Ynuukwidas," Estingai spat.

It laughed, turning Estingai's blood to ice.

"I doubt you'll think that way once you've been Redeemed."

Estingai blinked, clenching her fists.

"Once you're one of us, I might even bring you with me to your clean up your other bases and visit our informant. The Imaia has no need for rats. Succeeding where Othaashle failed and bringing a Knight into our number might elevate me above even her in the God King's eyes."

Something snapped within Estingai.

It knows where they are.

Koruuksi, Uuchantuu, Araana. Everyone Estingai knew. They were all in danger.

And there was a traitor in their midst.

I need to save them.

The realization seemed so obvious, yet Estingai knew she'd essentially been pushing herself toward death by exhaustion this past week. A part of her wanted to just be done with everything, to join Svemakuu, if Kweshrima's words about what came after death hadn't been just another lie.

I can't let this thing kill me.

A strange sense of calm set in. Estingai's palms stopped sweating. Her muscles relaxed. Her stomach unclenched.

She did not scream, she barely made a sound.

Gemcrest ablaze with light, Estingai launched herself toward the Lightforged. The pain in her thigh remained, but it was faint compared to the power that roared through her.

The demon hesitated. Apparently it had thought Estingai as broken as she'd thought herself.

The Lightforged moved a half-second later, but that was enough of an opening for Estingai. With her greynodes flared, she moved too fast for the mind to track unaided.

The Lightforged, unfortunately, had her same abilities and more.

Estingai's speed allowed her to get in close enough to crack the monster's head back. Even as she did that, however, the Lightforged caught her with a punch to the gut, knocking her back.

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