Chapter 34: Command

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Estingai frowned at the guards flanking the door as she approached Wolfden's command room. She brightened her clearnodes to make out the snowflake symbols on their masks, then nodded, straightening her spine and rolling her shoulders. She dimmed her clearnodes, but not completely.

She recognized the first two, Akadi and Imbe, but the others must have been from Icevein or Stormswind.

The two she did not recognize moved between her and the door as she approached, and she fixed their masked faces with an icy glare. The Lightforged armor she wore helped. She hadn't finished repairing it completely but it would function as well as she needed it to. She'd also made some modifications. The Lightforged's mask now adorned the chestplate, and she'd attached her own mask to the helmet, which hung at her hip.

"They are in a meeting," the closest, a woman, said. "We've been instructed not to let you or Uuchantuu in."

Estingai raised an eyebrow, looking at the woman and her companion, then looked past them to the other two guards.

"Sama?" Akadi said. "I think we should let her through."

Sama looked over her shoulder. "Just because she's—"

"You should listen to him," Estingai said, voice low, but firm. "I've had a bad day, and Akadi and Imbe will tell you that I'm not the best at controlling my temper."

The two foreign guards studied her for a moment, then shared a look and stepped aside, the woman letting out a sigh. Akadi opened the door.

As Estingai passed by them and through the door, the woman hissed. "This better not get us written up."

The heavy metal doors closed behind Estingai and she found herself facing Aaden, Marjatla, Uuldina, and Meik'ka, all staring at her with expressions ranging from bewilderment to hostility.

"What are you doing here?" Aaden asked, an edge to his voice as Meik'ka turned her glare on Marjatla. "Your guards must have let her in."

Estingai didn't respond. She took a deep breath, studying each of the four leaders in turn. Marjatla had helped run her family's textile business and Aaden had been a legal clerk. Both had chosen to stand against the Imaia rather than bow to it when the time had come, and though Estingai didn't know much about who Uuldina and Meik'ka had been before the Destruction, she could respect the choice they'd made to fight rather than compromise their beliefs for a life of relative safety and security. Regardless, each were leaders in their own right. They might have personal agendas, but those were also influenced by what they thought they must do for their people.

And you're the Last Knight. No matter who they were or who they are now, you stand above them. Koruuksi and Uuchantuu are the only ones with anything near that claim. These four worry about themselves and their people. You need to worry about what is best for all those who fight the Imaia. Even those you might not agree with.

That was what they'd sworn. It didn't matter if the goddess she'd sworn to had betrayed her and sent the world into a death spiral. The oath itself was worth keeping.

"This has nothing to do with you, Estingai," Marjatla said, voice cool.

"Especially after that mess of yours at Memfoso," Uuldina added.

"Have you come to take control now that we've forced you out?" Meik'ka spat.

Estingai nodded. "That's exactly what I'm doing."

The four leaders stared at her, eyes wide. The room fell silent except for the low hum of the electronic equipment. Meik'ka even gaped.

Uuldina was the first to regain her tongue. "You have no right—"

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