Chapter 28: Light of Darkside

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They're too arrogant for that, and a scuttled ship that we haven't stolen is too unimportant.

C. 22 days, 34 hours since the assassination of rebel leadership

Uuchantuu clutched her knees to her chest as she sat in her bunk, chest tight, shoulders bowed under the mountain of her failure. After leaving the funeral early, she'd come here, needing to be alone. She left the light off, trying to empty her mind and lose herself in the darkness. It didn't work. Even when she squeezed her eyes shut, she saw it over and over again. Induu's and Bavlos's lifeless faces, the terrified faces of the townspeople, the destruction that followed in the wake of her failure. And all the while, the venom in Araana's voice ate at her thoughts.

The light flicked on, buzzing in her ears, turning the insides of her eyelids red.

Uuchantuu gasped, leaping to her feet to find Estingai ducking under the curtain that separated the small space from the main room.

Estingai didn't smile. She met Uuchantuu's gaze and Uuchantuu shivered at how close her friend—her sister—was to breaking.

Uuchantuu wet her lips, but couldn't find any words.

When Estingai sat down next to her, taking her hand, Uuchantuu cocked her head, but sat down and squeezed Estingai's hand.

As inviting as the silence was, Uuchantuu knew it would only make things worse.

"I'm still not used to that," she said. "People sneaking up on me. I'm always used to having Koruuksi or you know when someone is coming. Or something like that."

Estingai nodded, eyes downcast.

Uuchantuu bit her lip. "How was the funeral?"

Estingai shrugged. "The usual. Marjatla listed the names, everyone said something about those they'd lost. Kjatirna sang 'Light of Darkside.'"

Uuchantuu nodded. "I heard that."

The echoes of Kjatirna's unaccompanied voice filling the stone halls had sent shivers down her spine even as it tugged at her heart.

"The night sky is all we see

A world of frozen beauty

Myrskaan and the stars are all we have

In this world where light is not

Oh Light of Darkside, guide us through the night

Your glow gives us hope and brings us light

In the endless winter, your myriad colors

Dance and twist, give us light in the darkness

The snow and ice, they whisper low

Of those who've left, who've had to go

Past the veil, to the dark beyond

Our hearts are heavy, and burdened, weep

Oh Light of Darkside, guide us through the night

Your glow gives us hope and brings us light

In the endless winter, your myriad colors

Dance and twist, give us light in the darkness

We remember those who've passed on by

Their memories etched in our hearts, we cannot deny

Their voices, their touch seem like a dream

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