[ 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 ]

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                           𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

The music pounded through the floor and up her body, as she approached the building.

She had tracked Danny Māhealani's scent here. He was a boy in her grade, who happened to be Jackson's best friend.

Earlier, she managed to steal his jersey from the boy's locker room.

The pack had reason to believe this was who the kanima was after next. It made no sense but none of it did, she was just happy Derek was allowing her to help.

She scanned the building for a way in, when two figures caught her eye. Scott and Stiles. Scott had pulled the side door off of its hinges and they were now entering the building.


She snuck her way over to the side, avoiding the gaze of the bouncers at the front of the club.

The music now pulsated all around her, so she attempted to drown it out. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

Her hearing gradually fell back to a human's ability, making it much more bearable as she continued down the dark hallway to the club.

She reached the fire escape and pushed against the handle, revealing a crack in the door. She slid through the gap and into the club.

It was more of a rave, with colourful neon lights blaring around the room and crowds of people jumping up and down to the beat of the music.

Everybody there was a man, she was in a gay club.

She pulled her dress down a little as she made her way to the crowd, the door closing gently behind.


Stiles and Scott were leant against the bar, holding a drink each as they searched the crowd for Danny or Jackson.

Scott scanned the crowd while slowly bringing the drink to his lips. He paused just as he was about to take a sip.

He placed his drink behind him, "What is she doing here?" Scott asked, elbowing his friend. Stiles gave him a confused look, "Who?"

Scott didn't answer, leaving Stiles to take a look for himself.

It was Aurora, she was walking by the edge of the crowd, her head turned away from them. Stiles also placed his drink on the bar, straightening up from his position, "Holy-" He was cut off by Scott storming towards the girl furiously.

He eventually reached her, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Aurora!" The boy yelled over the music, causing her to quickly turn her head to them.

Stiles caught up, standing beside his friend.

"What are you doing here?" Scott complained.

She smirked, "I'm dancing." Her gaze shifted to Stiles briefly, then back to Scott who was becoming more agitated by the second.

"No, you're not!" He shouted, "You're here to kill it."

The girl's smirk had now turned to a wicked grin, "Would that be such a bad thing?" She teased.

Stiles was finally snapped out of his daze when a figure caught his eye, Danny. He nudged Scott, "I found Danny," He told him.

However, his friend was fixated on the ceiling, and so was Aurora.

He also looked up to see a spider-like individual scaling across the hanging lights, moving towards Danny.

The two's attention returned to Aurora, as she chuckled. She gave the same smirk as she sunk back into the crowd.

Scott's gaze moved back to the roof, "Get Danny." He ordered, Stiles nervously moving to the edge of the crowd, "What are you gonna do?" He asked.

The werewolf didn't respond, instead he flicked open his fist, revealing his claws.

Stiles shrugged, "Works for me." He said, turning into the crowd.

He pressed through the herd of intoxicated people, moving toward Danny, just before losing sight of him.

"Danny?" He called out, peering over the mob for any sign of him.

Instead, a familiar face moved in front of him, Aurora.

She pouted, "You look lost." His heart rate increased rapidly, turning her frown into a smile. "Where's Danny?" He managed to blurt out.

She tilted her head, "Why are you looking for him?" She moved a step closer, "We should be dancing." Just then he felt her arms wrap around the back of his neck.

She swayed from side to side, not breaking eye contact with him.

He took a deep breath in to keep his composure as she moved closer, "Why don't we talk about something else then?" He sighed, irritation lacing his voice.

She hummed a response, her eyes travelling his face as he continued, "What are you?" She didn't answer, but now she looked him in the eyes.

"The only other full wolf was your sister. Is it a family thing?" He asked.

Her eyes strolled back around his face, and then up to his eyes again, "You're the smart one, aren't you? What do you think I am?" She whispered.

He was about to answer, when he heard Scott's voice faintly over the music, "Derek!" He yelped.

Stiles glanced back down at the girl clinging onto him, giving her a hurt expression.

She felt strangely disappointed in herself as he pushed himself away from her to head into the crowd.

She was snapped out of her train of thought when people stopped amid dancing and fell to the floor.

"I can't move- I can't move my legs!" Someone called out.

She shoved her way through the crowd as they rushed in the opposite direction.

Catching sight of Derek slipping through the side door, she elbowed a final drunk man out of the way and made for the exit.

She pushed through the door to see the creature stumbling about on the wet pavement, with no sight of her brother.

She stormed towards the kanima, taking a powerful swing at its face, knocking it to the ground.

The girl stood over it, the rain lightly patting down on the two as she placed a heel onto its neck.

"Derek!" Scott called out, bursting through the side door.

She pushed down onto his neck, once side of his face beginning to shift back to Jackson as the scales unfolded.

The boy choked as his airway began to close, "Aurora, stop!" Scott cried, moving over to them, Stiles catching up behind.

The sound of sirens approached quickly.

She glanced up at the two, she didn't want to kill him. She had never killed anybody.

Stiles noticed her facial expression, she looked terrified. Her eyes flickering between the two for help and guidance, but nothing happened.

In a state of panic, Aurora gave one more shove onto the now fully-transformed Jackson's throat before setting off into the night.

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 // stiles x ocWhere stories live. Discover now