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-Chapter 5: The Fire and The Star-

⚠️Warning- This chapter contains bad words and violence. This is intended for more mature people.⚠️

❥3rd Person

❥ "So... I heard that Lloyd has been found, huh?" Jalen looks at (Y/n) as they drink their tea. "Yes. But the others are still gone. For now, we don't want to alert anyone. But I know I can trust you." (Y/n) said as she smiled confidently while Jalen laughed. "You can always trust me. But... You know, Briar can't stop talking about you. What did you do to my kiddo?" (Y/n) chuckles as she flips her hair to the side. "Just gave them the old Auntie trick." They both started laughing until Elijah came in and shot daggers at (Y/n) but she didn't even care.

"Will one of you exclaim why my tools are glued together?!" He yelled out as (Y/n) shrugs as she smiled. "How would we know? I can't even hold a glue bottle without breaking it with my claws." (Y/n) then looked at her claws with such sass while Elijah glared at her in anger. He then takes out his robotic spider claws and points it under her chin but she seems unbothered by it as she makes lower his spider claw with her own claw as she chuckles. "Now, now... Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Besides, how would I get that glue off me?"

Elijah hums as he thinks about it until he finally puts down his spider claw. "Touché. But if it ain't you, then who-?" "The glue is in my hair, papa!" Briar ran out as they had some charms on their hair as Elijah sighs. "Looks like I found the culprit." (Y/n) laughs as she puts her hand on chest. "AHAHA! Oh! Now that's a crazy hair day!" She continued laughing until Elijah picked up Briar. "So you're the little rat who glued my tools together." He started tickling them on their stomach as Briar laughed while having the biggest smile on their face.

(Y/n) smiled at this scene. It just reminds her about Caleb. She looked back down at the cup of tea in her hands, looking at her own reflection. She suddenly snapped out of her mind as she looked up to see a box full of medicine that Elijah put down for her. "Here. It should be enough for a few months but if you run out and far away from the Crossroads, I'll know when the medicine has fully worn out." He points to (Y/n)'s gem that had a pearl under it. She nobs as she chuckles. "You're always one step ahead of others, Elijah."

"Well I can't be sure when to be safe. I know that curse is affecting a lot but we'll make sure everything is in order." He smiled as Jalen stood up as they smiled. "Everything is under our control. Just make sure you take the medicine once the signs of THAT show up because once it's finished..." (Y/n) sighs as she picks up the box. "I get it. I'm dead and there will be chaos. You don't have to remind me whenever I come to visit." She then puts the box in her bike as she then puts on her helmet. "See ya!" Elijah, Jalen, and Briar wave goodbye at her as Briar yelled out. "BYE AUNTIE!" (Y/n) giggles as she waves goodbye at them as she drives away.


❥ As she drives back to the Monastery, she heard the sound of a huge crash from afar as she stopped in her tracks. She jumped off her bike as soon as she saw some smoke coming from the same direction she heard the crash come from. "I don't like the sound of that nor the smell but..." She looked around as she grins. "Nobody will stop me from checking it out. Not even Lloyd." She laughed as she went towards the source of the smoke to find out what was making it. As she approached, she soon saw the source which was the old Bounty but it was now busted up like it went through war. She hums as she quickly climbs up to the deck, using her claws to dig into the wood and land on the deck.

"Hmm. Battle damages... Broken wood... Scorch marks..." She walked around the deck as she traced her finger against the rails until she almost tripped on a huge gash on the ground. She quickly looked down on the huge cut on the ground as she hummed. "That's something you don't see everyday." She soon heard footsteps above her, reacting quickly by taking out her dual pistols and pointing to whomever was upstairs. "Woah! Hey! It's just us!" It was Lloyd, Arin, Sora, and Riyu walking out of the control room while Lloyd held his hands up. "Oh. Sorry." (Y/n) puts down her guns as she nervously smiles. "S-So what are you guys doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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