Chapter 1.

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Visenya and Viserra Targaryen were born in 114 ac. Having been born to Rhea Royce and Daemon Targaryen one could know that the children was not conceived out of love.

They were however a gift from the gods.

After having been back from stepstones Daemon had been having a glorious time in the taverns and brothels.

He had be on a leisurely flight when Daemon had not realized that his thoughts had caused him to be flown adrift. Caraxes had landed at a clearing in Runestone, close to House Royce.

Truthfully Daemons thoughts were on his family. How all those he loved casted him aside and tried to force him to be with a wretched woman he truly hated.

Daemon strutted into the keep without a care in the world.

The maids of the house were aware that their lady wouldn't wish to share her chambers with the prince so when the beasts horrid clicking was heard by many and the blood wyrm was visible the sky's the women rushed to work.

Daemon was ready for rest. After having flown drunk and being forced to stay in his least favorite place in Westeros he desired nothing more. But upon exiting the rooms the maids they did inform Daemon that Rhea called upon him.

He decided to humor the summons of his lady-wife. It was well into the hour of the wolf when Daemon arrives at the study doors Rhea Royce found herself behind.

He entered and sat down in silence; after having studied each other for a while Rhea filled their cups. As much as she was displeased that he was there, she was also curious.

Two continued to drink and after the second cup the words just fell out of her mouth "What brings you to the Vale husband? It's has been 6 and 10 wonderful years without your presence."

Daemon stared at her again as he downed his cup and filled himself another. With a long sigh he finally answered. "I came to see if maybe you aged like our fine wines. I have been sour disappointed."

Rhea became enraged and the comment. How dare he? The man who has dishonored her; she would not stand for it any longer.

"And here I thought you had came sulking off after the king had banished you again."

Daemon for whatever reason took the bait. After flipping the small table in front of him he was standing in front of Rhea with his hand around her throat.

"What a strong man you are Daemon. Is this all it takes? I bet you choke all your whores, solely cause you can't get it up." Rhea cackled breathlessly.

Daemon squeezed her throat tighter before pulling her ear close to his mouth so he could whisper

"That's what you want isn't it? To be treated like one of my whores. Fine let me show you."

Rhea had instantly regretted every moment that had led her to this point in her life. Daemon would regret his decision months later.

When word would spread that Rhea Royce was with child only a couple of moons after the princes visit and if rumors were to be believed, lady Rhea carried multiple babes in her belly.

The prince had stayed at the Red keep most the pregnancy. However when the King gifted him two eggs, and told him to be with his wife in her last moon he couldn't refuse.

Apparently Daemon is a bad omen because once he arrived so did the contractions. Daemon sat outside the room as Rhea waled in pain.

He relished the sounds of her agony and loved every second of it as he continued to think about how after all this pain she would deliver on to him something that was his.

Daemon has silently prayed that the babe had his features, that the two eggs be placed in the cradle would hatch, and lastly that Rhea would be dead. Much to his surprise all were answered.

The prince sat in the hall shocked. He was relieved he was finally free of his retched bronze bitch but also scared, both babes screams could be heard by all.

Snapped out of his daze by the sound the prince walked into the room and gazed to the bed. A sheet was pulled over Rheas body to protect her modesty and signify her passing.

Daemons walked around to the maid and took who he was told to be his first daughter.

His breath hitched as he stared into his mother's eyes. A true beauty he thought he'd never see again. Mesmerized with her existence Daemon couldn't set her aside.

The maester explain that lady Rhea while strong in strength and spirit she was not in womb.

Moments later he heard another gurgle and was reminded he had twins, the other just as beautiful with her eye colors the same just inverted.

As he rocked them in his arms he glanced to the maester momentarily before speaking, "How is their heath?"

Both the nursemaids and the maester looked amongst each other before one finally spoke.

"Lungs are strong and health, as are the limbs however they are riddled with scales my prince." Daemon chuckled softly with the simple reply "they are dragons after all." oh how he couldn't he more right.

As Daemon drifted slowly down the halls as he continued to stare at the bundles for joy in his arms. His chest filled with warmth and hope of the future as he stared at his daughters.

He made the decision he wouldn't be parted from them so when Daemon arrived at the nursery he handed each to a milk nurse to be fed and cleaned and he picked up the cradle and walked to his rooms.

Visenya and Viserra had been delivered back to him promptly as he demanded. He sung songs of Valyria and purred like Caraxes as they nuzzled into his warmth.

After sometime Daemon remembered the eggs, he placed them in the cradle together as he moved quickly retrieved the eggs.

They became cranky as they lost their many source of heat but silenced when the egg scales rested against their chests and their arms instinctively wrapped around it.

Daemon sat near the fire as he drank his wine and gazing at his sleeping girls and two glorious eggs. He knew his life was forever changed.

******what do we think? ****

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