The Beginning (Sadly Enough)

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Karthi Hope Shanti waited for class to be dismissed. When it was, she continued her daily schedule, which was to leave Kincoch Abbey, take a train, and head to the Lost Kids Orphanage for her job hours.

When she arrived, Ms. B, the head of the orphanage, greeted her oh so kindly. "Put your stuff away and get to work." she barked. "And see to the toddlers."

After four hours of hard-work, Karthi got her pay which Ms. B so happily gave (she tossed the envelope at her and ordered for her to get out), she took another train to her small cabin on the outskirts of Scotland.

She made a small sandwich for herself and went to bed. If it was a normal night, Karthi would have had a nice nap, woke up a little early to go to the orphanage, went to school and repeated what she did almost everyday.

It wasn't a normal night.

At 10 p.m., Karthi woke up to someone knocking on her front door. I wasn't expecting anyone.

No plumbers?


No electricians?


No friends?

Shut up.

Karthi quickly grabbed a nearby bat and slowly approached the front door. The knocking continued.

She took a deep breath, raised her bat, and opened the door to reveal a tiny girl, who exclaimed "Finally!"

The girl was African, looking around 9 years old, with short, curly, black hair and brown eyes. She wore a worn-out blue shirt with a ripped white vest and stained jeans. On her feet were sneakers that possibly were white (in another life).

Karthi lowered her bat cautiously. A little girl can't kill me, right?

"Who are you?" she asked as the girl barged in.

"I'm Piper." Piper headed toward the pantry, opened it, and began to eat all the cookies inside it.


Piper rolled her eyes. "I'm hungry." She gobbled another cookie. "I spent the whole day traveling."


As she ate the cookies, Piper began to explain herself (not that much of it made sense to Hope). "I'm from an organization called Diamond's Secret."

"What do they do, sell jewelry?"

Piper ignored her. "They're full of people who protect kids like me from our families enemies." Piper explained. "All our families were together in this big scam group called Diamond. They double crossed a bunch of people and died young, leaving their offsprings, us, to take the heat."

"That's messed up!" Karthi exclaimed. 

Piper, who finished off the cookies, opened the fridge and poured herself some juice. "I came here to warn you that your parents were part of everything."

Karthi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. My parents are on a trip and they will be back very soon in fact so why don't you-"

"Aiden and Swati Shanti." Piper stated, as if reading from a file in her mind. "Hacker and player in the field for the Diamond business. They managed to get rich and blow off all their money right before they died. They had you in their thirties and died at 40, leaving you orphaned at age 10. You were supposed to go to a foster home but you managed to forge a few documents and ran away to here."

Karthi stared at Piper, speechless, as she poured herself more juice. Finally, she found her voice. "H-how, wha-what...HUH?" 

Piper finally finished drinking and tossed her glass away. "We should probably go." she said. "Once Diamond's Secret found out about you, the others most likely will as well."

"What's the hurry?" Karthi asked, finally recovering. "You just found out that I exist. What, are men in masks going to break in now?"

Just then, three men in masks broke through the windows and surrounded Piper and Hope in the kitchen. 

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