On My Way to Humiliation!

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The three men formed a closed circle (triangle?) around Hope and Piper. One of them stared at Hope and asked "Are you Karthi Shanti? You better have gotten this one right, Dave." He glared at the guy on his right.

"One time, Mike." the one called Dave protested. "One time."

Karthi was tempted to say something like Oh no, I'm Peppermint Patty. Karthi lives down the street  and then run away to London screaming. 

Instead, she clutched her bat and whimpered.

The third one scowled. "Will you two stop using you real names and just-?"

"Shut up, Gavin!"

Suddenly, Piper snatched the bat from Karthi and whacked Dave, who was blocking the exit, in the stomach.

Dave doubled down, groaning in pain. "RUN!" 

Piper ran out the exit with Hope following close behind. Surprisingly, the other two men didn't chase after them. Instead, they stayed back, loudly scolding Dave, whose groans could be heard a mile away.

Poor Dave.

Karthi turned to Piper. "Are all of them like that?" she asked.

"No." Piper grumbled. "Unfortunately, not. Run faster!"

They ran in the darkness nonstop to the train station and jumped on a train that was just pulling away from the station.

Karthi sat down, panting. "Where are we going?"

Piper sat next to her and propped her feet on the seat in front of her. "Since some guys were sent to your house," she stated. "The way I came, by boat, might not be secure. So, we have to use Beny to find a safer path to HQ."


"Well, I heard that's what Brooklyn calls him."


"You know, FARM." Piper raised an eyebrow.

"Some kids who live there go to my school." Karthi remembered. "I also remember when it was first established. Kids at school talked about it for some time." Hope also remembered about how the kids called the people who lived there "farmers". She stayed away from all that.

"Well, Ben the Supercomputer can tell me the path least likely to have thugs trying to kill us." Piper said, as if talking about a hiking route. "So we're going to go there."

"Oh." Suddenly, something clicked in Hope's brain. "Wait. FARM as in FARM FARM? Like, the weather research facility?"

"Yeah." Piper raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"No reason."

What Karthi didn't tell Piper was that she had a crush on one of the "farmers", Lucas. She had seen him around school, but never had talked to him. She was sure he didn't even know she existed.

Now, she's going to see him late at night, in her Harry Potter pajamas, and with Piper the Warrior Kid because of her parents' history, which she did NOT want announced to the world.

Okay, this day just went from bad to worse.

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