The Dangerous Journey (Because Piper said so)

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That morning, Hope woke up to Piper peering into her face. "ACK!" she screamed.

"Good morning." Piper said, her breath smelling like strawberries, which, Hope thought, was a huge improvement from her usual breath.

Hope rubbed her eyes, the events of yesterday rushing back to her. "What time is it?" she asked.

"10 a.m." Piper said, now bouncing on her bed. "The others are at school. Only Mother and Monty are here."

"Ah, okay." Hope got up and found some clothes on a chair next to the bed. On it was a note from Sydney; At least go to battle not wearing ratty pjs ;)

Looks like I finally made a friend. Hope thought, feeling a pang of sadness in her stomach. Well, at least an acquaintance. 

Hope went to the bathroom and put on her clothes; a white shirt, a blue jacket, black pants, and a pair of comfortable black sneakers.

She came out and got Piper to stop jumping on the bed. She noticed that Piper was also wearing a black new shirt and blue new pants, no doubt from Sydney. Gone was her vest and in it's place was a dark green sweater, currently tied around her waist. She was also wearing a red bow on top of her hair, which was tied in a high ponytail.

Piper saw Hope inspecting her outfit. She touched the bow, shrugged, and said "Sydney's my favorite."

Down they went to find Monty holding two backpacks. Inside of each were pouches of food, a bottle of water, a flashlight, some bandages, and a couple of tissues. "The team put this together." she said.

She handed them over. "Be safe." she said. She turned to Piper. "Call us when you arrive. Mother told me you knew the phone number."

"Where is he, Mother?" Piper asked.

"He had to go. Getting money for all of us isn't easy." Monty laughed and handed over their train tickets. "Remember, ride to the second-to-last station. From there on, take a bus."

Piper nodded. Hope could see she was trying to not cry. How long had she been traveling? For someone her age?

Hope hugged Monty, packing her questions away for the train. Nothing like personal questions to make travel time fly by.

Then they headed to the train station, boarded their train, and were off. Hope and Piper found their seats and began to wait for the station.

Piper went into her backpack. "Cookies!" she cried out and began to finish them off.

Hope sighed, smiling, and stared out the window. This is too easy. she thought. Five stations are done already. We'll be there in no time.

Just then, a man entered their cart. He had a big mustache and looked about 35. He looked 6 ft tall and was carrying a...gun.

Hope sat up straight at the sight. "Um, Piper?"

"Whup?" Piper asked, her mouth full of eaten cookies.

"That man..."

Piper finally turned to see the man and the panic that immediately settled on her face...Hope wished she could have forgotten.

Piper quickly packed the rest of her cookies into her backpack. "Stay low." she said. "At the nextt station, we make a run."

It didn't seem like that would work. The man was scanning the seats, walking forward. "Piper." Hope hissed. "What should we do?"

Piper looked around the cart. "Quickly." she hissed. "The ladies' rooms."

"Now is not the time for a bathroom break!"

"Just trust me." Piper waited until Hope was ready, then nodded. "Go."

They ran down the aisle, catching the man's attention. He jogged after them, trying not to look too suspicious to the other passengers.

Luckily, Hope and Piper made it to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them. "Whew." Hope sighed in relief.

"Not really." Piper pointed out. "He might be waiting outside."

"What should we do then?"

Piper looked around the bathroom and stared to a vent above the stall. Hope followed her gaze and sighed. "Why." she said simply. "Why this?"

When the train arrived at the next station, Piper and Hope quickly twisted the screws with their bare hands (yes, it had hurt a lot) and took out the vent grate. Hope looked around to see if anyone was watching them, then hoped out, landing very nicely on the pavement.

"Ow." She winced. She got up only for Piper to fall down on her, pushing them both to the ground.

"Ow." Piper grunted.

"Tell me about it." Hope groaned.

They got up and looked around. "Where are we?" Hope asked.

Piper pointed to the station sign. "On the edge of Scotland." she sighed. "We were supposed to cross a bridge and end up in France."

Hope sighed. "Should we contact the City Spies?" she asked.

"No." Piper said. "That man was one of the officers of the group Diamond double crossed. They're onto us. A call could be traced to us...Or put the City Spies in danger."

Hope nodded. "What now, then?"

Just then, a man nearby called out "Rides to the Cruise. Going to France and back! Rides! Only 10 pounds each!"

Hope dug into her backpack and found 20 pounds. She held it up for Piper to see. "Why do you get money?" she pouted. "I got nothing."

Hope found it amazing that Piper could go from a calm and smart girl to a whining crybaby in less than 30 seconds. "Let's just go."

"And become stowaways on the cruise?"

"I hope not."

Piper laughed. "Ha ha, 'Hope'."

"Oh, shut up."

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