HA! We Win! (Oh Crap, Never Mind)

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While the City Spies were preparing for a flight to Istanbul, Hope and Piper had been traveling nonstop. They had taken a bus to Versailles and boarded the train. As they left France, Hope couldn't help feeling a sense of...discomfort? Sadness? Something.

When Hope told Piper about it, she suggested "Maybe you miss Paris."

Hope nearly fell out of her seat. "What?" she sputtered.

"It was pretty obvious." Piper said. "About your crush."

Hope felt her face go red. "...How obvious?"

"Only I know." Piper said. "Don't worry. I won't tell Paris."

"If we see him again." Wow...I really must be missing him.

Hope stayed silent for the rest of the ride, which was fine with Piper, who was finishing up her fries.

The trouble occurred on the second train. They were only two stops away from their station when someone entered their section. It was the same guy they ran into on the train in Scotland.

"Piper." Hope hissed.

"I see him."

"What do we do? The bathroom move again?"

"I was in there before." Piper said. "The vent isn't big enough."

Hope felt the sensation of doom settle onto her. "We're dead." she said.

"No, we're not." Piper said. "We just might have to fight him."


Piper explained the plan to Hope. "I'm not so sure it will work," Hope said to her. "But it's worth a try."

The man who was looking around the train was Gerald Wiggins. He sent three men to Hope's house after he hacked Diamond's Secret's computer and found her file. After Hope and Piper managed to escape, but one of the men (probably Garvin) placed a tracker on Hope's shoe. He had been tracking them ever since.

As he scanned the train, he found Hope walking to the back of the train. Slowly, so he wouldn't alert her, he followed her until she walked into the section for VIPs.

He wasn't sure what was going on, but he walked in after her. Almost immediately, he felt someone whack his head and he fell to the ground.

Hope, who was hiding behind the door, quickly locked it. She turned to Piper, who was holding a pipe she found under a seat. As for the VIPs, who were supposed to be in the cart, they were with the captain, who had supposedly skipped their stop on purpose.

"Is he dead?" Hope asked Piper. 

"Let's just hope he's unconscious." Piper said, clutching the pipe. Sure enough, Gerald's chest rose and fell with each breath.

"Quickly." Piper urged Hope. "Tie his wrists and legs." Hope nodded and took out some duct tape. She began to tie his wrists. "Where did you find that?" Piper asked

"In someone's suitcase." Hope said. "I'm thinking of keeping it."

"Who needs duct tape?"

"It's very useful." Hope argued, now tying Gerald's ankles. She got up and put the duct tape away. 

Piper put down the pipe. "Let's put him under a seat." she said. 

"Or in the bathroom." Hope suggested.

"Now that's just cruel...I like it." Piper and Hope dragged Gerald to the VIP bathroom and tied him to a toilet, locking the stall door.

"Let's just hope he stays unconscious until our stop." Piper said.

"How do you think he keeps finding us?" Hope asked.

"A tracker." Piper said. She pointed to the back of Hope's shoe. There was the tracker, small as a bug.

Hope gasped, removed the tracker, and stomped on it. "When did you notice that?" she asked Piper.

"A while back." Piper shrugged.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"It was useful to know that someone was going to come." Piper said. "One down, some more to go."

Hope sighed. "At least we didn't have to go off the train." she said. "Now we can just relax."

"Don't be so sure." The voice came from the door. Hope and Piper turned to see a man, taller  and more muscular than Gerald, had broken in from the locked door. He gave them a cruel smile.

Hope gulped. "We're gonna die."

"No we won't." Piper gritted her teeth.

The man laughed. "You won't die." he said in a slight Russian accent. "But you might get hurt."

"We'll see about that." Piper snarled.

"Is this like a '3, 2, 1, go' situation?" Hope asked Piper. "Or do we-?"

Piper charged at the man, screaming and clutching the pipe. "Never mind." Hope sighed.

Dear God, please don't let me die because Piper decided to act like a soldier at war.

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