Waking Everyone Up (Piper's Speciality)

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At FARM, everyone was already asleep in their bed. Only Mother was awake, but only to have a hot cup of tea to help him sleep. He had spent most of the day at work along with testing different possibilities of where Annie is, to see if she's truly alright.

Just then, he heard the doorbell ring.

As Brooklyn would say, Weather Weirdos. He sighed, put his cup down, and walked over to the door. We really need to establish a rule for visitors. he thought. 

He opened the door to find a dark-haired Indian girl in Harry Potter pajamas and a younger girl with a scowl on her face waiting on the other side.

Definitely not what he was expecting.

"Um, can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes." the younger girl said. "I'm Piper. Diamond's Secret."

At the name of the secret organization he allied with years ago, Mother let them in. "You're with Diamond's Secret?" he asked.

"Yes." the older girl said. "At least, she is. I had no idea about any of this until a few hours ago."

"Beny's in the priest hole." Mother said. "I suppose I'll go get Monty and Brooklyn for you." And explain all this.

You see, Mother joined Diamond's Secret alliance back when he was in MI6, before the City Spies. He remained allied to help the children, but didn't tell the others because he didn't know it he should talk about it too much or how the other kids would react.

As Mother went upstairs to get the girls, Karthi and Piper went down into the priest hole, which Piper magically seemed to know where it was.

"Nice." Karthi said, looking around. 

Piper sat on the gaming chair in front of the computer and spun around on it. "It's alright." she said. "I hoped that we wouldn't have to wait."

"Well, when one arrives unexpected at midnight, it might happen." Hope turned to find a Scottish woman, who she assumed was Monty, enter the priest hole with Brooklyn by her side.

Piper crossed her arms and pouted. Karthi didn't know what to do, so she just waved her hand. "Hi." she said. 

"Hi." Brooklyn said back. "Hey, Harry Potter." She pointed to Karthi's pajamas.

"Yep." Karthi sighed.

Brooklyn pulled Piper off her chair and got to work. Piper walked over to Karthi and crossed her arms. "Rude." she mumbled.

"How are you, Piper?" Monty asked. "Always this grumpy?"

Piper grumbled, a shadow of a smile on her mouth. "I was traveling at night, to find this one." She head-pointed to Karthi.


Just then, Mother walked in with the rest of the team behind him. "Hello everyone." he said. "Apparently, we were too loud and woke everyone up."

"To be fair, we are spies." Rio said. "We're supposed to be able to hear others from 30 feet away."

"Um, is she supposed to do that?" Paris pointed to Piper, who decided that lying down on the center table over important files was a great substitute for the spinning chair.

Karthi didn't say anything. After seeing Paris/Lucas, she felt even more conscious of her hair, breath, and pajamas and just wanted a hole to swallow her up. When that didn't happen, she managed a slight shrug.

"I supposed I'll introduce everyone." Mother said. 

"Paris, Sydney, Kat, Rio, Cairo, and Brooklyn," he said, pointing to them as he spoke. "This is Piper and...Sorry, I didn't get your name."

"Oh, it's fine." Hope said. "I'm-"

"Karthi?" Sydney took a closer look at her. "Oh my-It is you!"

Karthi must have looked confused because Sydney clarified "We're in a few classes together. Math, science, and history."

"Oh, right!" Karthi exclaimed.

"Wait, you go to Kincoch Abbey?" Paris asked. "I...I thought you looked a bit familiar."

Karthi's heart skipped a beat. Lucas, er, Paris, noticed me? Wow.

Not a big deal. the smarter side of her brain said. You're just one of those girls with recognizable faces. Interpret that however you want.

"Hey, Harry Potter." Cairo said, pointing to her pajamas.

"That's what I said!" Brooklyn exclaimed from the computer.

"What house are you in?"


"That makes sense." Piper said from the table. "You're definitely not Gryffindor, that's for sure."

"Well, you're definitely Slytherin." Karthi shot back.

"Where did you come from?" Kat asked, saving Karthi from the number of insults Piper was no doubt cooking up in her brain. "Why?"

Mother gestured to the table. "I supposed I must explain." he said. "Come sit. And Piper, please get off the table."

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