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Piper whacked the man in the stomach with the pipe. Hope watched as the man grinned down at Piper, unaffected, and slapped the pipe away.

While Piper tried to run after it, Hope tried to work up the courage to throw a suitcase at the man, gave up, and hide behind a seat.

"Really, Hope?" Piper asked, watching her as she picked up the pipe. "Not cool!"

"No worries, little kitty." the man called out to Hope. "Just stay there. Sergey will come to you later."

Piper yelled out and tried to hit Sergey with the pipe. Sergey just frowned at her, whacked the pipe away again, and grabbed her.

"Let her go!" Hope yelled, still hiding.  

Sergey smiled at her. "Who's going to stop me?"

Piper quickly scratched his face. Sergey hissed and dropped her. Piper quickly ran over to the pipe, but Sergey recovered quickly and ran after her. It was clear that he was going to reach her in a few seconds.

Hope saw that her friend was in danger and quickly swallowed up her fear. She reached for the overheard compartment, grabbed the nearest suitcase, and chucked it at Sergey.

It hit Sergey in the face, knocking him down. Piper quickly got the pipe and repeatedly whacked him with it.

Hope grabbed a bag, ran over to them, and threw it in Sergey's face. He groaned. "You are making Sergey very angry." he warned.

Hope took out the duct tape and tied his arms and legs together. Sergey laughed. "You think this will stop me?" he asked. "I will-"

Piper quickly tore out a piece of tape and stuck it to his mouth. "I'm getting tired of you." she muttered.

Suddenly, the train stopped at their station. Hope pumped her fist in the air. "Only two atttempt kidnappings and we didn't even have to get off the train!"

"Hardy har." Piper said.

They quickly ran out of the cart, locking the door behind them. They squeezed past the people trying to enter the cart and quickly left the train.

They watched as the train pulled away from the station. "I kind of wish we stuck around." Hope muttered. "The looks on the passengers faces when they find two men trapped there would look hilarious."

"Good news is that Sergey probably wouldn't admit he had been beaten by two girls." Piper said.

"Or he would tell and people would think he's crazy." Hope suggested.

"That too."

"Well, what's next?" Hope turned to Piper.


"How do we reach this HQ?"

"Oh...By bus."

"Or you could just come with me." 

Hope and Piper turned around to find a girl, about 18 years old, with cropped, black hair and alert blue eyes behind them. She looked like she was waiting for them for weeks, her clothes dusty and her hair messy.

Hope curled her fists up. "Friend or foe?" she asked. I'm pretty sure that's how the saying goes.

The girl laughed. "Friend. Don't worry, Jackie Chan. I'm here to help." 

Piper's eyes widened. "Lily?" She looked her up and down. "I didn't recognize you!"

"That's what a disguise is supposed to do, eh Piper?" Lily winked. She turned to Hope. "Glad you made it unscathed."

Hope shrugged. "Mostly unscathed." she muttered.

"Well, you made it here alive. That's good enough." Lily smiled at them. "I parked a car outside. We should go now."

Piper turned to Hope. "I get to tell her about our adventure." She jabbed her thumb to her chest.

"You mean 'near-death experience'." Hope corrected. "And fine with me. I want to sleep."

Lily nodded. "Just not for too long." she said. "You know, in case anyone attacks us."

"Of course."

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