chapter 13: heartbreak.

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Since I gave a pretty short chapter in the last one i had to deliver this time. Before you ask yes some parts are inspired by nevertheless. Lmk your thoughts on this chapter. Do you hate it love it anything. Since it's my first time writing idk what I'm doing 😭


My breath hitched in my throat. This is a horrible idea but i could not open my mouth. Words didn't came out. Idk i just freezed there. Seeing i didn't pull his hand away he lead me to the dance floor.

My hands landed on his shoulders and his on my waist. Since I was wearing heels my face was inches away from his. I could feel his hot breath on mine. The proximity of us was too close. It was all too much for me to handle.
"This is a really bad idea." I said. He dipped his head to my mouth to hear what I was saying over the loud music.
"Is it? It doesn't feel bad." Then he suddenly spun me around and i crashed right into his chest. Now I was even more close to him. His cologne had now engulfed me.
Then he did something unexpected, my breathing slowed and my heart rose outta my chest.
He lifted my chin and brought his mouth Inches away from me. He whispered against my mouth "tell me you don't want this and then I'll stop.
I think I forgot how to breathe in that moment. 

His lips hovered over mine but he didn't kissed me. He was probably waiting for me to make the move. He knew he wouldn't do anything unless I initiate it first. Something suddenly snapped in front of me and my lips crashed on him.
Hard and rough. His tongue glided over mine and i tilted my head up to give him access. He nibbled on my lower lip and started kissing me again.
His hand on the back of my neck tugging me even closer and my on his hair.
Heat rose between my legs. God he kissed like a man starved.

When we pulled away for a second out of breath and I looked into his eyes. All i saw was guilt. Shame. The aftermath of what we did shun from his eyes.
Tears welled up in my eyes and reality crashed onto my shoulders and the weight of it burried me. i opened a door to get away from the party. I was now outside in an alley with only one light and I faced my back to the wall and broke down.

Two mins later the door opened again and Ryder busted through. He saw me on the floor looking miserable. I need to confront him . He can't play with two women.

I stood up wiped my tears and said in a higher pitch "don't you have a girlfriend?"

He wrinkled his eyes in confusion and said "what? Who told you that?"

So it was true. All of this was nothing to him.

"It was pretty obvious."

"No i don't have a girlfriend."

Silence filled the air.


I could not comprehend what he just said. So i confirmed again what he said.

"So you're not with avery?"

"No! I mean i was before."

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows that lead him to continue.

" I was in a casual relationship with her but there were no feelings involved."

Oh. That makes a lot of sense. That's why avery is now hanging out with that tom guy recently.

"Okay. I got it now."

I've been itching to ask this question as well.

"What are we? You can't deny there's something between us."

He froze. He didn't say anything he just looked at me.

He said very hesitantly "we're friends."

Wow. I couldn't believe him.

"Is that what friends do? We almost kissed."

He sighed loudly and came towards me. He held my hand and said "look I'm sorry to drag you into this but I can't give you what you want. I'm not the dating typa guy. My life is not sunshine and rainbows. I'm sorry."

Tears welled up in my eyes and i couldn't control it and fell out. Making me look more miserable.

I asked in between sobbing "but you didn't give me anything yet" the fact that he was not even willing to try made me more angry.

"If I had a heart i would give it to you without a doubt."

I felt silent it felt like like someone took my heart and squeezed it tightly and now there was nothing left. I didn't believe him all those moments I had with him proved that he was not heartless like the first time I met him. He actually had a heart and cared for people. My mind flashed back to Avery's party where he put a bandage in my arm when ryle tried to pull something. But i couldn't defend him anymore I was tired.
Words didn't leave my mouth and i removed my hand from his and walked away. I couldn't say anything. I heard him call my name faintly but i didn't turn back.

I finally excited the dark alley and reached the main road. Just as I was about to Uber i got a chat from Darren asking me where I was. I somehow managed to type with my shaky fingers "I'm outside, about to go home I'm really tired."

I quickly saw his next text within Seconds asking "'can I drop you? It's pretty late that's why."

I couldn't even answer him before the front door opened and I saw Darren coming out. He saw me holding my heels in my hands and quickly took it from me.

"Comon let's go."

He opened the passenger door and then went to the other side to open his door. We got out of the super crowded parking lot of deluxe.

The first few mins we were both were silent. I was not in a mood to socialize that's why I was looking out the window but i knew i had eyes on me. He finally cleared his throat and asked "is everything okay?"

I looked at him trying to act surprised as tho why he would feel the need to ask this question. I waved my hand and said "everything's okay. Why?"

"Uh your mascara is all messed up."

I quickly tried to wipe my face. "Oh i accidentally scratched my eye" and even showed him the motion with my hands.

He didn't seem convinced but he knew it might be something with ryder but he didn't ask.

He drove for a couple of mins before we were just about to reach my house he spoke "i had a surprise for you but I think timing isn't right." I didn't understand what he meant but when he pulled into my driveway. I saw balloons hanging from the ceiling a table with cake saying "Loren can you be my elsa?" There was also a bouquet of flowers kept on the table. Tears welled up in my eyes. No one has ever done something like this for me. I got out of the car trying to take everything in. He even got my favourite perfume. The voice from my brain told me that this is the guy but then why was my heart crying?

My chest tightened when he gave me that bouquet. "Darren this is so sweet but i can't accept this."

He didn't say anything he just listened.

"I don't think I'm in the position to be in a relationship right now. I'm really sorry. You're such a nice person. I'm sorry I disappointed you." I started sobbing even more in front of him.

He smiled back at me for some reason "nah don't be sorry. I knew i would get disappointed but I could not live with this regret of not telling you."

I held his hand "I'll always be your elsa don't worry."

He gave me a hug and said "take rest lo I'll see you tomorrow in class."

I took a picture of the decoration as to save it for my memories and went to my room. I changed Outta my dress and into my favourite pajamas. I cuddled my teddy and snuggled under the blanket to fall asleep. My eyes did close but all i could feel were tears wetting my pillow.

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