chapter 14: fucked up.

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Hey guys!
This chapter is gonna be a bit short while i think about the content for the next few chapters so please bare with me. And I've been really busy with school so I'm trying to balance everything 😭 anyways Lmk how you're liking the story so far I know Ryder is a bit fucked up in his head but we will fix him. Again if u don't like these type of genre then u can choose not to read this story.
Thank you.


(His pov)
I followed Loren towards the door leading outside to an alley when I almost kissed her. I could tell this wasn't going to work out. Yet a small selfish part of me wished that she would be okay with casual because I could not stay away from her. She was like a magnet that I was attracted to. even if i would be end of the earth i would still feel her presence. It's how much she had impacted me. Changed me. She was like a ray of sunshine to my darkness.

My chest tightened when she asked me " what are we?" I could feel her tears clouding her blue eyes even in the darkness and i hate myself that I was the reason for that.

The real truth was that I'm scared. Scared of the curse in my family of broken relationships. Scared that I'm gonna lose the people I love in my life. Like i already have.

The only way to protect her was to let her go even if it meant destroying myself.
I didn't even knew i had a heart before i met her but I did and now it lay in pieces.

I saw her leave and i let her leave. I almost stopped her tho but I did not go after her. I let her get away from the person who hurted her.

I waited until i saw her get home safe. My heartbeat fastened when I saw Darren opening the door for her. My fist curled but i didn't do anything. I knew he would be the right choice but my heart felt otherwise.

I reved my bike and drove aimlessly at night. The cold wind hitting my body gave me peace. It spread goosebumps over my arm. But i could not get my head out of a certain blond and a black shirt guy.


the next day felt like a nightmare. I woke up with a throbbing headache probably due to all the alcohol yesterday. I made myself a lemonade to soothe my body.

As much as I hated the idea of going to class today i couldn't fail my classes. Getting a D was already the least of my plans when I got distracted these few weeks i couldn't slip my grades anymore. My dad wouldn't care if I was failing college. I wanna do it for myself so that my mom can see me in that white coat.
I was holding onto my dream of a psychologist so i could keep holding onto her.

I reached the auditorium and i realised I would have to see her face. Her face that had lost all the spark after yesterday.

I sat in a seat next to Tom. Sierra entered after Loren and by the looks of her she didn't look happy either. She glared at me and came towards my seat. I was afraid she was gonna strangle me so I sat up straight and kept my hands near my face just in case.

She said "if you were gonna break her heart why did u flirt with her in the first place? I'm not talking to you until u figure this situation out stat."
She walked away to sit with Loren without listening to what I had to say.
I placed my palms on my hand and realised I fucked up big time.

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