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Let's start at the beginning, in this story there is a background that needs to be analyzed before delving into it, but we will start with our protagonist: Astre.

In order to understand her history, we have to understand the rules of the game, of the universe, or, in this case, of existence itself.

Our world has 4 main planes: Heaven, Limbo, Earth and Hell, Earth is where you, me and living people are and Limbo is where the dead are who go neither to heaven nor hell. There are 3 ruling kings/gods in these planes, in Heaven is the Creator or commonly known as God, in Limbo is Death and in Hell is Lucifer, who also regulates the Earth. Therefore, thanks to the fact that Lucifer is a corrupt being who allows the lowest-ranking demons to roam the Earth without any restrictions, possessing, seducing and corrupting humans so that they do vile and inhuman things and humanity is lost. Although it is necessary for evil to exist, there must be a balance and Lucifer did not respect it in any way, causing humans, when they die, never to reach heaven and always remain in limbo or hell.

Therefore, God was worried, but, as it was, the gods could not intervene directly on their lackeys, because this could cause a dispute that could end everything known and what was yet to be known.

This is where our protagonist comes in, a human who, it was supposed, would change everything.

On February 14, a human was born in very deplorable conditions, in the same way her mother had already died because she was too young and could not bear the birth. Death, the king and god of Limbo, came to do his job, taking the soul of both, the mother and the newborn, but, just as he collected the soul of the latter, the baby was revived by the doctors and her little soul, like a sponge, absorbed part of the essence and powers of Death, thus having a soul that was half alive and half dead, connecting her to Death and Limbo immediately, no longer belonging, in her totality, to the earthly plane from which she was born.

A little overwhelmed by his mistake, Death decided to try to make amends, one of his plans was to kill her, but this was not allowed, because the balance of life and death would be broken and would be catastrophic, in addition to the fact that Fate had not indicated that she was going to die at that time. With no other choice and taking advantage of the fact that the father did not want to take care of the newborn, the Dark God was able to take her to limbo to raise her, since it was necessary to keep her under surveillance to prevent that, due to her emotions, the girl could cause a hecatomb and break that important balance.

God learned of this by noticing a living soul in the void and, likewise, noticing that this baby had mortal powers, so in a 7-day trial where Death, God and Lucifer attended, it was determined that the baby was an unholy being.

- This being is a being that should not exist, Death-  God snapped- the creature is a being reborn from mortal darkness, from destruction!

- Did the great infamous dark God, so dry and strict, make a mistake? - Lucifer mocked- What is this? Do you want me to start the final judgment? Because I can gladly be the straw that broke the camel's back- he added as he tried to look out to see the little thing that was writhing in the arms of the Dark God, but Death pushed the baby out of his reach.

-Silence! You just want to cause even more disasters than you already cause, besides, this baby is not as big as a problem as you are- Death reproached- which leads me to consider that this judgment is too strict and cruel for such a small being... she doesn't even know what's happening!

- It is not what she knows or does not know, if I do not apply the rules strictly, then the world would go into rebellion and faith would be destroyed- God intervened.

- Faith has been at rock bottom for years - Lucifer muttered sardonically. - Humans don't believe in us anymore, only in this idiot- he pointed to Death.

It was you... (Miguel O'Hara x OC)Where stories live. Discover now