Chapter 7. That crow...

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Not much happened after that incident, the young woman was more withdrawn than before as was the leader, who was conflicted by doubts and his own emotions, he even considered that he had mistaken Death.

But it was impossible for there to be two Deaths, wasn't it? What's more, did what he thought he saw really exist?

This was a yes, for the mere fact that Spectra existed, but was the young woman really who he was looking for?

This doubt became more and more scandalous, more so when he noticed more small things that did not match, that could not happen if she was a being as ancient and omnipotent as he believed.

The young woman, in her moments of rest, always looked melancholy, hermit and strangely calm, not a hint of cruelty even seemed curious about the outside and simple things.

He noticed that she was always looking out the window, as if she had never seen the sun, the moon... She also tried to understand what the gestures and emotions of others looked like, as if she were a wild animal adapting to a "domestic" life, but it was even funnier and more curious the way she totally changed her actions when doing missions or fighting.

The few books that he slowly provided her in her free time, she read too quickly, with great interest, even if they were about such boring things as politics, science, technology, mathematics, mechanics, thermodynamics, chemistry, genetics... well, Miguel was an engineer and he only had that type of books nearby.

But she read them in the same way, she learned from them, or well, it seemed to reaffirm knowledge, rather, it didn't matter what the subject of the book was, she read them.

On the part of Spectra, she never expected Miguel to start providing her with this type of entertainment, in fact, she did not know why, suddenly, Miguel was giving her this attention because he never did it nor did he seem to be interested, at least until that moment.

This made her more anxious.

Haziel became more present and less discreet when he was with Astre, since, likewise, he noticed that Miguel was changing suspiciously and he was very perceptive, he noticed it instantly and took full advantage of it, now being a crow and being Spectra's "pet" who coincidentally came through her window one night and stayed with her.

Miguel found this obviously strange, but he didn't complain about seeing Spectra with more "human" attitudes when interacting with the crow, which always stayed with her all the time, from then on, on missions, in her room, everywhere, always perched on her shoulder.

At least this helped her a little in her spirits, since the too many restrictions were drowning her in life and having Haziel without the stress of Miguel repressing her for having a "pet", a term she hated when referring to Haziel, so it was a great relief not to have to hide him as if he were a plague... although he technically was.

Anyway, a crucial moment came to the Spider-Society, Miguel had discovered that Miles Morales of Earth-1610 was an anomaly because he was bitten by the spider of Earth-42 that should bite the Miles of that universe, so everyone was both cautious not to come into contact with him and acting to fix this situation, which included a villain: The Spot, a man contaminated by dark matter who, through transdimensional holes, could damage the multiverse and the multiple canons.

The young woman was loaded with work, carrying anomalies more and more frequently and without rest, at one point her body gave out and she had to take a forced rest when she collapsed, for the first time, in Miguel's "office", who was extremely stressed to realize that Gwen had been in contact with Miles and that he was in the universe of Pavitr Prahbakar and that, It also interrupted a canon event and there was a hole in the multiverse.

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