Chapter 1. Anomaly

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It was a night just as stressful as the rest, ever since Miguel had lost his daughter in that damned moment when her universe vanished, not long ago, he never stopped making sure that the rest of the universes around him had their canonical events and their respective history flowed calmly and in order, that bitter pill took away that sarcastic and lightened attitude of the leader, turning him into a somewhat withdrawn, bitter and extremely stressed man.

But, in the same way, that last vision he had seconds after seeing his daughter die did not leave him in peace and he was looking for a way to find the being who took her from him without mercy or empathy.

Or well, in his eyes.

At a certain point, this seemed somewhat ridiculous to him, to be realistic, it was something very improbable and fanciful that Death existed as a physical being, with the typical scythe and skeletal form, or something similar to this, a thin woman who brought doom to those unfortunates who were destined to leave this world.

Anyway, those same eyes were scanning the numerous screens that showed the different universes at the same time, hundreds of surveillance cameras that kept the man informed of everything that was happening in those moments, both showing people going about their daily lives, and showing other Spider-Men or Spider-Women doing their respective missions or tasks to keep the multiverse in balance.

In an unguarded moment, while his eyes were irritated and tired from staring at these screens and not having slept for who knows how many nights, LYLA, his artificial intelligence, informed him of a somewhat peculiar anomaly.

His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed that a person, anomaly or whatever the fuck that thing was, was transporting from universe to universe inhumanly fast and in totally random trips, staying no more than 10 or 15 minutes in one universe and then travelling to another and another without stopping, this in less than 30 minutes, which was even impossible for a simple routine anomaly, plus this thing had an energy too strong to be a normal villain.

Miguel frowned in puzzlement as he watched this anomaly, which on his screen was represented as a red dot bouncing back and forth.

But at some point, the anomaly would always disappear from the map at one point, seemingly at random, it was as if it simply vanished from the map, only to reappear the following nights, and as time went on, it seemed to become faster and more unpredictable.

This was something worrying, an anomaly like this was a great risk for the canon and, consequently, for the multiverse and Miguel didn't know completely what it was capable of and he didn't plan to take any more risks, no, he definitely had to get to the bottom of this, even though it would take him time to predict the movement of the being and capture it before it was too late.

Two years passed, Miguel watched this thing incessantly, LYLA performed and programmed algorithms to be able to predict the next movement of the anomaly, but it would consciously, randomly travel and stay in certain places and then travel again, but the time was not enough to be able to catch it.

By this point, Miguel was able, on one occasion, to capture a photo, somewhat shaken, yes, of what was the anomaly and upon seeing it his heart skipped a beat and that burning sensation of pain and hatred combined, became strong in a snap.

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