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"She likes you."

Rosemary smiled up at him as she continued to pet his cat Missy, "I like her too. How come she's never come out before?"

Harry bent down to rub Missy's ears for a moment, his gesture very comforting to the cat, "She doesn't like strangers. You're the only one that's seen her besides my family."

Rosemary was enthralled. She loved animals but never had one of her own and cats were her weakness.

"She's so pretty, where did you get her?"

Missy purred rather loudly and continued to rub her face against Rosemary's hand which had Harry smiling. She wasn't even like that for his family.

"Side of the road actually, someone was giving them away and I just couldn't resist."

Rosemary looked up at him again and patted the space beside her, "Come sit with us, I'll share I promise."

Harry did as she had asked, after all, he had already taken some very nice pictures of her and she was still quite beautiful, "Thank you for sharing my cat with me Rosie, I don't know what I would do without your kindness."

Rosemary giggled and Harry grinned, she rarely giggled but he absolutely adored it when she did. Not to mention that she was one of the very few people that laughed at his jokes and with him rather than at him.

"You'd still be lonely and staring at the stars." She played along and he wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer so that he could kiss her cheek, "And for you, I am so very grateful, my beautiful Rosie."

The usual blush rose in her cheeks but she was still shy about it and he could tell. Rosemary could have sworn that he was born sweet, there wasn't a single part of him that wasn't kind and she greatly admired that about him.

"As am I for you, my handsome Astronomer."

                                                                                          . . .

"So where did you go yesterday?"

Rosemary smiled slightly to herself, she'd been out with Harry and was slightly amused that Mary hadn't guessed that, "What, just because I took a day off I went somewhere?"

Mary laughed, "No, but you clearly aren't sick or dying for that matter."

Rosemary smiled now and swirled her tea although the sugar had long since been dissolved, "Fair enough. Harry took me out for lunch and we went back to his place and talked and played with his cat, he made dinner, and then just the typical stargazing that we do just about every night."

"Wait. He made you dinner?"

She had known that would baffle her, men usually didn't do any sort of cooking really so it would come as a shock to most people that she herself hadn't made dinner for him.

Rosemary nodded, a small smile on her lips, "Yes, is there something wrong with that?"

"God no! That's great! I'm only wondering how you convinced him to do that. Did you sleep with him?"

Mary was absolutely over the top and this time, thankfully, it was more amusing than not.

Rosemary laughed and set her, now empty, cup down, "First of all, no, I did not sleep with him nor do I plan on doing so any time soon, and second, I didn't convince him to do anything, he offered to do it happily when I said that I had to go home so that I could eat. I don't think he likes it too much when I leave, but he certainly isn't too clingy or anything."

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