twenty two

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Harry grinned and nodded quickly, his face lighting up in only moments, "We had a little girl?"

Rosemary nodded as she took his hand and led him up the stairs, "Mmmhmm Celestina René Styles. August 17th at 12:01 AM, 6 pounds 7 ounces. She's very cute."

Harry was nearly giddy with excitement, he had a little girl, but he still felt terrible for missing her birth, "I'm sorry that I wasn't there, Rosie."

Rosemary squeezed his hand gently, that didn't matter to her as much as his coming home did, "I'm sure you had a good reason. You're here now and that's all that matters to me."

They'd reached the bedroom door and she smiled brightly at him once more, "Are you ready to meet your little girl?"

Harry nodded, his smile completely overtaking his features, "Very much so."

His heart was beating at a million miles a minute and he still couldn't believe that he wasn't dreaming and that he was actually home and meeting his precious little girl for the very first time.

Rosemary led him to their now shared bedroom and he was amazed at how different it was, the ceiling now looked like the night sky, there was a significantly larger bed, the adjoining walls matched the ceiling without the stars, and next to the bed sat a brilliant white crib where Rosie went to and picked up the most adorable baby he'd ever seen.

And it was theirs.

She had to soothe her momentarily, the poor thing roused from sleep so soon after she had finally caught a dream, and Harry only watched in pure adoration. She was so beautiful and there were tears in his eyes.

"There's someone very important here to meet you sweetie." Rosemary cooed softly when Celestina had finally calmed down.

Celestina made a cute little baby noise and Rosemary smiled brightly and turned to Harry, "Would you like to hold her?"

He'd finally made his legs work and walked to where she was, his smile getting brighter as he laid eyes upon their beautiful little baby girl in her mother's arms. She was perfect just like her mother and he could have sworn his heart melted as she looked at him curiously.

"Hi sweetheart, it's so nice to finally meet you! Daddy loves you so much!"God, he loved her just as much as her mother, which was far greater than he had ever thought he could love anyone.

Celestina reached up and wrapped her tiny little finger around his and giggled.

Harry's heart was now a puddle and he looked to Rosemary who only smiled back, "Go on, you can hold her. She can't exactly bite yet you know. But she might pull your hair, she likes to do that for some reason."

Harry took her from her mother very carefully, he was very afraid that he would drop her despite the fact that he had held many babies before. This was much more special and certainly much more frightening because he didn't want anything to happen to this beautiful little life that he and his love had created all those months ago.

"Look at you! My little baby girl." He was still in awe even as he held her in his arms, solidifying the fact that this was so very real.

Celestina continued to make cute little noises and switched from holding his finger to reach up and grab a tiny fistful of his hair and started to tug.

Harry only smiled lovingly down at her, "You are so cute! Mummy's gonna have to learn to share you now that Daddy's home, huh?"

Rosemary rolled her eyes playfully, of course that would be among the first things that he said, "My pleasure, she wakes up about every two hours, it's really fun."

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