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It was the middle of the day by the time she'd gathered the nerves to call. The line had rung three times and she was seconds away from changing her mind when Gemma picked up.


Rosemary was beyond nervous. What would they think of her? More importantly, what would they think of him?

"Hi Gemma, it's Rose."Her voice was far too nervous for her own liking and she was surprised when Gemma hadn't noticed.

Gemma perked up instantly, she hadn't spoken to her in ages, "Rose! Hi! How are you!?"

Rosemary laughed at her enthusiasm as she twirled the phone cord around her hand, she really liked Gemma, "I've been okay, I miss your brother but I'm okay. How are you?"

"I'm good, I know he can take care of himself, still worried and I do miss him, but I'm okay."

Missy rubbed her face against Rosemary's legs and meowed, she wanted attention and didn't care that Rosemary was busy, "Is Mum there? I need to tell you both something."

Gemma grew concerned with the tone of her voice, "She's actually out right now. Is everything alright?"

Rosemary hesitated slightly, she didn't want to worry them because everything was fine really, well, besides the fact that Harry was gone anyway, "Yes, everything's fine."

Rosemary twirled the cord tighter around her hand as she prepared to say it. Missy meowed again and pressed her face into her legs. She must have been hungry or something, Rosemary made a mental note to feed her when she got off the phone.

"Alright, what is it?"

Rosemary let out the breath she was holding, they were going to find out one way or another anyway, "I'm um...I'm pregnant Gemma."

The other end was silent for a moment, Gemma wasn't sure if she was being genuine or not even though she sounded pretty serious, "Are you being serious or is this the joke leading up to what you wanted to tell us?"

Rosemary bit her lip, she was still nervous even to confirm it for some reason, "I'm quite serious."

Gemma smiled instantly, she loved babies and so did her brother, "Rose, that's great! Does he know!?"

Rosemary smiled to herself and her cheeks flushed at just the mention of him, "Yes, he's the first person I told."

"I bet he's exited, he's wanted kids since he was one you know. Are you excited?"

Rosemary loosened her grip on the phone cord, all of her nerves were gone and she was so glad that Gemma hadn't judged her or Harry, "No, I didn't know that actually. That's cute I'm going to have to write him about that now. Yes, I'm excited. I'd be more enthused if he were here too, but there's nothing I can do about that sadly."

Gemma laughed, "That's probably why he doesn't like me talking to you because I 'embarrass him'. Oh well. Do you have any names picked out!?"

Missy returned and rubbed against Rosemary's legs again, meowing a bit louder this time, "You're hungry aren't you Missy?"

She meowed in response and Rosemary smiled and leaned down to pet her head for a moment, "Me too. Let me finish talking to Gemma and then I'll feed you I promise."

Rosemary stood up again, "Sorry about that, Missy's being needy again. I only have one for a girl so far, Celestina, or Celeste for short. You know because it relates back to the stars and Harry adores the stars."

Gemma was excited to be an aunt and that there would be another little member added to their family, she absolutely adored Rosemary and she was sure that their child was going to be the cutest thing ever, "That's so cute! I'm so happy for you!"

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