Broken Bones Aren't Cool

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Chapter 14

Addy's pov

I tried landing it, I couldn't. I tried convincing my coach to let me do something else, she said no. So I just finished my floor routine. I had done everything, but beam. I was so nervous. I shook off my nerves with my handshake with myself. They called me over to the beam and I started my routine. I was doing amazing! "I can land it!" I told myself. I did three turns, back handspring, then did my run and trick. I tried landing it, but failed. I fell on my foot. Everyone gasped. I couldn't get up, I couldn't move my foot. "Ow." I whispered. I clutched my foot, but then stopped because it hurt.

Shawn and Jack quickly ran over to my side. "Addy! Are you ok?" Shawn asked. "No it's my foot. I can't move it." I said. "Let me see." Jack said. I showed him and he felt it a little. "Ow!" I screamed. "Oh sorry!" he said. He let go of my foot. "It hurts. It really hurts!" I told them. Shawn picked me up. "You're going to the hospital." he said. "Hospital?" I asked. Jack nodded, "It's probably broken." Jack said. Then we left to the stupid hospital.


They took x-rays. We waited in my room. They said I'll be here over night. All I wanted was coco my monkey from Shawn and my blankie from dad. I already had my charm bracelet from Jack. We were waiting until the doctor finally came in. "It's broken." he said. I groaned and leaned my head back. "You're going to need a cast and crutches." he said. I groaned again. "Any color you want?" he asked. "Turquoise please." I said. He got me a turquoise cast and my crutches. I'm not happy. I can't do gymnastics, gym class, and recess. I'm so mad. We stayed over night.


Shawn's pov

Jack and I helped Addy to the car. She was not the most happy person in the world. We got to the apartment, but first to The Matthews'. When we walked in everyone turned to us. "Aw Addy! I'm so sorry!" they all said. "Thanks." she mumbled. "She's in a bad mood because she can't do gymnastics." Jack said. Everyone nodded. Addy sat down on the couch next to Lucas. "Why me!?" she groaned putting a pillow over her head. "Hey. At least you placed first in everything but beam!" Cory said. She just groaned. "Coach is going to be so mad." she said.

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