The Trick and Coach

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Chapter 15

Addy's pov

I've had my cast on for 4 weeks and I was finally getting it off! This has been the longest four weeks ever! Shawn was driving we there because Jack had work. When we got there, we signed in, then they called me back. They took my cast off and my foot felt so weird. "Whoa." I said. Shawn and the doctor laughed. "It's going to feel weird for awhile, but the best thing to do is to keep walking on it." the doctor said. I tried to stand up and nearly fell over. Shawn caught me and laughed. "Yeah this is going to take a while." he said.

1 week later

I can finally walk! Yay!!! Today I had gymnastics, than tomorrow cheer. Shawn signed me up for cheer as well. I wanted to try something else other than gymnastics. Gymnastics meets are Saturday, cheer meets are Sunday. Gymnastics practices are Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:30-5:30 ,cheer practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:30-5:30. I started cheer because gymnastics was getting a little boring. It was just getting old and it's getting easier. I do the same thing ever since I hit level 3. I'm in level 5 now and it's the same routines. No one is really impressed with it. But I still did it cause I've done it forever!

"Ok Addison. We're going to try to land the trick." my coach said. My eyes widened. "Uh...remember what happened last time?" I asked a little mad. "Addison it was just an accident. It's not going to happen again." she said. I gave her a look, "How come I have to do it? Why not any other girl?" I asked. "Because I said so. Go practice. You're not leaving till this trick is landed!" she instructed. I did my beam routine and went to land it. Fail. Then I did it again. Failure. And it kept happening. I got frustrated. I groaned and laid down on the mat. I was alone at the gym. The coaches were at the desk and Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas were watching me fail. I got back up and tried again. I kept failing. "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" I yelled while hitting the mat with my fist. I got back up and kept trying.

Farkle's pov

Riley, Maya, Lucas, and I were waiting till Addy was done with her practice. Her coach told her she couldn't leave till she landed the trick. She couldn't land the trick. It was 10pm and we were still here. Just let the poor kid go. Riley had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder and Maya fell asleep with her feet in Lucas' lap. Lucas was still awake like me. "They should just let her go!" Lucas said. I nodded, "This is ridiculous!" I said with anger. I laid Riley down and Lucas took Maya's feet off his lap and set them down. Then we walked downstairs to the gym.

"Addy let's go." I said. She turned her head, "What no! I can't leave! I haven't landed the trick!" she argued. "Addy we're all tired and so are you! The only way you'll land it is if you get some rest!" Lucas said. She shook her head, "You can go. I'm staying. Coach will get really mad if I leave." she said. "Fine. We'll go get Shawn." I said. She shrugged and kept working.

Lucas and I walked back upstairs. Riley was already up, "Are we leaving?" she asked. "We are but Addy's not. We're going to get Shawn." I said. She nodded and I helped her up. "Maya we're leaving." Riley said shaking her. "Go away!" she said. "Yee." we all said backing away. "Maya we have to go." I said. "I want to sleep. If we're going someone needs to carry me. I'm too tired." she said. I looked at Riley, then Riley looked at Lucas, then Lucas sighed. "Fine." he said. He picked Maya up and we left to get Shawn.

Riley's House

We walked in and everyone turned to us. "Where's Addy?" Shawn asked. "Coach won't let her go until she lands the trick. We tried to get her to leave but she refused." I explained. "Ugh, well thanks guys. I'll be right back. What happened to Maya?" Shawn asked pointing at Maya. "I'm tired. Leave me alone!" she said. "Yee." Shawn, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews said. Lucas sat Maya on the couch then we left.

Shawn's pov

I walked down to the gym. "Addy let's go!" I said. "I can't. I have to land the trick or coach won't let me go!" she explained. Then she tried again, but failed. "Addison I don't care. We have to go!" I said. She just got back on the beam and tried again, but failed. "Addison Grace Hunter we're going right now or I'm pulling you out of gymnastics and cheer!" I said. She groaned and walked out of the gym.

She was packing up her stuff when the coach came over. "Did you land it?" she asked. "No. My brother's making me go." she said. "Addison you can't leave till you land it." she said pointing to the gym. Addy sighed and walked back in. "Um...she's leaving! It's 10:30 at night and she needs to rest!" I said. "She's been here since 3:30, she should've left at 5:30!" I said. "Well she hasn't landed the trick. And since this is my gym, it's my rules." she said. "Well she's my sister and I'm her guardian." I said. "If she leaves this gym she's off the team and kicked out of the gym." the coach said. "You're lucky that she loves gymnastics." I said angrily. Then I went to the waiting room and watched.


Addy's pov

It's 2 am and I still haven't landed it. Coach wasn't helping me at all. I did the trick and fell. I landed on the mat. The mat was very comfortable. I was running out of energy. I fell asleep.

Shawn's pov

Addy fell asleep. I went down and picked her up. "Addy I'm sorry, but we're going home." I said. She nodded sleepily. I went with her and grabbed her stuff. I put it on my arms and picked her up. I was walking out when Coach saw me. "Where are you going? Did she land it? I don't think she did." Coach said. "I'm leaving. It's 2 am and she's tired! And no she didn't!" I said. "If you leave, she's off the team and kicked out of the gym!" Coach said. "Honestly right now, I don't care!" I said, then I walked to my car and went home!

A/N: Uh oh! What happened to Addy and gymnastics? And #Lucaya and #Riarkle oh snap! Did you like those moments? Thanks for reading! Please vote!!!

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