Nightmare (Fluffyshrimp)

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A/N: Bro I got no excuse for writing this much Fluffyshrimp :'D One a positive note happy Fluffyshrimp Friday :3))

It's no secret Shrimpo isn't exactly the most beloved Toon. Which was fair. He wasn't the nicest. Even if he didn't truly mean what he says.

Shrimpo flinched awake. Shooting up from his bed. Sitting upright.

Another nightmare.

He groaned. It seems like has them every single night! He hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks.

He slowly got up. Not bothering to lay back down.

He looked in the mirror and winced at the eye bags under his eyes.

He looked like shit.

He groaned. He realized he wasn't going to get any better not doing anything.

He'd have to talk with Astro in the morning. 

He walked out of his room. No one was in the hallways or lobby. Which was fair. It's dark.

He subconsciously walked over to Goobs door. Stopping infront of it.

He realized he probably shouldn't knock and wake him up. It's way too late in the night for that.

He started walking away from the door. Maybe he could do a late night run... Or talk with Dandy. He's usually up this late.

He whipped his head around when he heard a door open behind him. It was Goob.

Goob seemed surprised to see him. "Oh! Shrimpo? You alright?"

Shrimpo groaned "...Nightmare..." Goobs expression softened "Oh, I'm sorry." 

He gave him a warm smile "If you'd like to sleep with me you can!" Shrimpos face turned red hot "A- yeah... Sure."

Goob grabbed Shrimpo and carried him into his room. 

Goob could tell this was more than a simple bad dream. Shrimpo would never let him pick him up outside of their rooms or on floors alone.

Goobs room was much more colorful than Shrimpos tidier too.

Goobs room had colorful trinkets on every shelf. Crayon drawings on every wall and everything was nice and tidy. Not a piece of trash.

While Shrimpo never seemed to have the energy or time to clean his room. His room didn't have many trinkets. He never saw the point in them.

Goob shut the door behind him and laid on the bed. Cuddling Shrimpo. "So... Have you been having nightmares for a while...?"

Shrimpo groaned "Yeah... I haven't slept through the night in weeks..." "...Are they consistent...?"

"... Sorta...? Usually it's someone chasing me. Or screaming at me. Or hitting me. Their face is always blurry..."

Goob thought for a second "Are they usually really clear...?" "Yea- waIT A DAMN MINUTE."

He sat up. "ASTRO! THAT FUCKING BAST-" Goob sat up with him and wrapped his arms around Shrimpo. Shutting him up.

"Shhh... Sleep time." He gently plopped back onto the bed. Still holding Shrimpo. 

Shrimpo let out an angry growl. But he couldn't stay mad. Especially not when he was so tired. Even if he was gonna beat the shit out of Astro tomorrow.

He sighed. Wrapping his arms around Goob and nuzzling his face into his chest.

Goob smiled holding him a bit closer. Starting to drift off to sleep himself.

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