Chapter 8

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We kept stealing looks from each other. Groff kept whispering to me that we both should just talk. I knew he was right, but I couldn't decide if I was ready yet. When Pippa finished her performance and noticed him. I saw her immediately find me; she shot me an apologetic look. I just smiled, I felt guilty that she felt sorry at all. She shouldn't need to; he was her friend too and had every right to be here.

"Hey Bea, I think I'm going to head home. Luca said Enzo is being fussy and not taking the bottle."

I know I should have offered to go with her but when Maddox said he would see her home, I couldn't have felt more relieved.

"I'll call you tomorrow okay."

She kissed me on the cheek "Just text me that you got home safe"

"I got her" Groff chimed in.

Once Maddox and Nomi left, Anthony and jasmine followed. Then shortly after so did Renee, Groff kept hiding his yawns and I knew Steven and Pippa were only hanging onto the conversation because they didn't want to leave us.

"You all should go; Groff I don't want to keep you any longer or I'll have to carry you home."

He laughs giving me a hug "I'm sorry I've been up since 4 this morning."

"Oh fuck! Please go! And you two too" I get up giving Pippa a hug.

"Are you going to stay?" she whispers.

"I think I should."

The three of them walk out together leaving just me and Lin. I watch as Pippa keeps looking back but I give her a reassuring look.

I think we sat there for 10 minutes before I got the courage to speak up.

"Want to get out of here?" I lean over. Hoping he hears me over the music.

"I thought you'd never ask."

The street is nearly empty. There's a few guys posted against the wall smoking a cigarette and then more people start pouring out.

"So... your place or mine?"

The look of surprise fills his face. "Bea..."

I don't want to think about the consequences right now, so I just act. I grab his face and kiss him. I'm about to regret it when I don't feel him return it but then the next second, he does. His soft lips molding against mine, his tongue dancing parting my lips.

"I missed you" we both say through labored breaths.

"I'm sorry I came, I wanted to be here for Pippa, but I needed to see you."

I pull away to get a good look at him. "How are you even more handsome than the last time I saw you." I place my hands on the sides of his face. "Still not getting any sleep though." I trace the circles around his eyes.

"I have more reasons than work for the lack of it."

I let myself just fall into him, my arms wrapped around his neck suddenly happy that he did come tonight.

"Lin... I am feeling so many things right now...this feels very right but also... I'm scared."

He cups my face bringing me in for another kiss. I'm starting to think why I even needed the distance at all but then I remember why any person might need it. It's time to sit with your thoughts, insecurities, find out who you might be without them. And without him I was fine, but I wanted to be more than fine. I deserved to be happy.

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