12-Alejandra and Luis José- Alejandra

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Alejandra Martínez had always believed that children were a burden—a source of obstacles that could hinder her rise above humble origins. Her mother, Caridad Martínez, had five children from different men, hoping that each one would save her from loneliness. But all the men left, leaving Caridad to struggle alone.

After a year of medical internship and social work in rural areas, Alejandra returned to her neighborhood in Caracas. She secured a job at a local hospital, where she faced the famous surgeon Alejandro Antúnez—the director. Little did she know that Alejandro was her biological father, and she was determined to prove that she didn't need him to succeed.

Everyone at the hospital respected Alejandra, except for Luis José Báez—a macho, womanizing medical intern from Argentina. The attraction between Alejandra and Luis José simmered beneath their constant conflicts. Despite their differences, they embarked on a brief relationship, only for Alejandra to discover she was pregnant—repeating her mother's story.

Enter Mireya, Luis José's wife, who arrived in Caracas from Argentina to win her husband back. Obsessed with fear that Luis José would abandon her due to their age difference, Mireya had manipulated his emotions for years. She blamed him for their son's death, even though she was the one who provoked an abortion.

When Mireya learned that Alejandra was expecting Luis José's child, she sought ways to eliminate her. She enlisted the support of Morela, the selfish and arrogant wife of Alejandro Antúnez. Morela had always known about Alejandra's existence but kept it hidden to ensure her husband paid more attention to their daughter, Alicia—a repressed child who fell into alcoholism.

As Alejandra's pregnancy progressed, the tangled web of secrets threatened to unravel. Would Luis José choose loyalty to his wife or the unexpected bond he shared with Alejandra? And could Alejandra break free from her mother's legacy and find love amidst the chaos?

Under the ancient oak tree, where their paths intersected, Alejandra and Luis José grappled with their emotions, their pasts, and the children who would forever change their lives.

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