13-Alex and Gabrielle and Simon and Richie-secret life of us

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The old St. Kilda apartment was buzzing with anticipation. Alex, Gabrielle, Simon, and Richie had decided to host a couples' game night—a chance to unwind, share laughter, and maybe uncover a few secrets. The wine flowed, the fairy lights twinkled, and the air hummed with excitement.

Alex, the brooding artist, set up the game. "Alright, everyone," she said, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Let's play 'Most Likely To.'"

Gabrielle, the free-spirited musician, settled on the floor cushions. "Oh, this could get interesting."

Simon, the pragmatic lawyer, raised an eyebrow. "What's the objective?"

Richie, the cheeky bartender, grinned. "To reveal who's most likely to do certain things. Like, who's most likely to cry during a rom-com?"

They gathered in a circle, the game cards spread out. Alex shuffled them, her fingers brushing against Gabrielle's. "Okay, first question: Who's most likely to forget an anniversary?"

Gabrielle pointed at Richie. "Definitely Richie. He once forgot our six-month anniversary."

Richie feigned innocence. "I was busy mixing cocktails!"

Simon chuckled. "Alright, next: Who's most likely to serenade their partner?"

Alex blushed. "That's easy. Gabrielle. She's got the voice of an angel."

Gabrielle winked at Simon. "And who's most likely to dance naked in the rain?"

Simon's cheeks turned pink. "I plead the fifth."

Richie clapped his hands. "Okay, final question: Who's most likely to propose first?"

They exchanged glances. Alex's gaze lingered on Gabrielle. "Maybe it's time we all took a leap."

Gabrielle squeezed her hand. "Agreed."

Simon cleared his throat. "I've been carrying this ring for months."

Richie pulled out a velvet box. "Funny, so have I."

Laughter filled the room as they revealed their hidden intentions. The game had become a confession booth—a place to share dreams, fears, and love.

As the night wore on, secrets spilled out. Richie admitted he'd once stolen Simon's favorite shirt. Gabrielle revealed she'd written a song about Alex. Simon confessed he'd been practicing his proposal speech.

And Alex? She looked at Gabrielle, her heart pounding. "I've loved you since the day we met."

Gabrielle's eyes shimmered. "Then let's make this official."

In that cozy St. Kilda apartment, four hearts intertwined. They laughed, they kissed, and they played their way into forever.

And as the clock struck midnight, Richie raised his glass. "To love, friendship, and the secrets that bring us closer."

And so, on that magical couples' game night, Alex, Gabrielle, Simon, and Richie discovered that sometimes, the best games reveal more than answers—they reveal the path to forever.

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